Ruby interpreter not working


I think this problem will be best explained by simply showing you the
code first..
[code]class ConfigSettings
  def initiliaze
    puts 'initializing ConfigSettings'

class Dog
  def initialize
    puts 'initiliazing Dog'

dog =
settings =[/code]
I would, of course, expect this to result in two prints to stdout:
"initializing Dog" and "initializing ConfigSettings". However, when I
run this program, "initializing ConfigSettings" is never output.

What in the world is going on?


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Alle martedì 27 gennaio 2009, Will Dresh ha scritto:


Look closer at this.


Stefano Crocco wrote:

Alle martedì 27 gennaio 2009, Will Dresh ha scritto:


Look closer at this.


I've come across into this mistake several times.
For non English-speakers I think this is the hardest key word ruby has.
I think this keyword could be replaced for something easier to spell.

Does anyone knows any planned change in this regard /?


Novody is perfect.


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Rodrigo Bermejo wrote:

Stefano Crocco wrote:

Alle martedì 27 gennaio 2009, Will Dresh ha scritto:


Look closer at this.

I've come across into this mistake several times.
For non English-speakers I think this is the hardest key word ruby has.
I think this keyword could be replaced for something easier to spell.

Does anyone knows any planned change in this regard /?


Novody is perfect.

Actually, English isn't all that easy for us English speakers either. If we're going to replace this keyword, why not clean house and replace the whole English language? Ever try to spell anything in English? The only thing worse I know is French. Personally, I very much prefer Spanish, but what do I know?

Sounds like a great way to start a war...!




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Rodrigo Bermejo wrote:

I've come across into this mistake several times.
For non English-speakers I think this is the hardest key word ruby
has. I think this keyword could be replaced for something easier to

Does anyone knows any planned change in this regard /?


Novody is perfect.

I don't suspect there are many languages that would create aliases by
default in an effort to prevent typos, but you could probably create
your own. I'd prefer no one forced that logic on me, just in case I
want to use a variable that's closely named like a reserved
word/function, only to find out that it's now a reserved word.


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Rodrigo Bermejo wrote:

Stefano Crocco wrote:

Alle martedì 27 gennaio 2009, Will Dresh ha scritto:


Look closer at this.


I've come across into this mistake several times.
For non English-speakers I think this is the hardest key word ruby has.
I think this keyword could be replaced for something easier to spell.

Does anyone knows any planned change in this regard /?


Sure, how about we name it __init__

- Charlie


Look closer at this.

Thank God the Brits have not foisted their phonetically incorrect 'initialise' on us!

Writing initialize too much is a design smell.

I suspect one could rename it with class Object; alias initialize embiggen ; end, or similar.

This is really something ugly, biting me very often. Actually I
finished to define initialize as a keyword in my ruby mode on vim. And
if I type
def initalize ( my favorite misspelling :wink: and it is not highlighted I
get warned immediately (this word is worse than initialize actually).

Hopefully this idea helps some folk.

BTW. English is impossible to write, French is impossible to
pronounce. Possiamo parlare italiano? (Well actually the logical
consequence would be to use Esperanto, but that is ***ugly***.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 10:06 PM, Tom Cloyd <> wrote:

It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the
dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any
longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but
the world as it will be ... ~ Isaac Asimov


I use gedit with the snippets[1] plugin. I set up a "defi" tap trigger so
that whenever I write "defi" and hit Tab, "def initialize end" will be
inserted automatically. This way, I don't have to worry about misspelling
"initialize" - which I did while writing this response! Can't live without a
spell checker! :slight_smile:




On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 5:06 AM, Robert Dober <>wrote:

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 10:06 PM, Tom Cloyd <> wrote:
This is really something ugly, biting me very often. Actually I
finished to define initialize as a keyword in my ruby mode on vim. And
if I type
def initalize ( my favorite misspelling :wink: and it is not highlighted I
get warned immediately (this word is worse than initialize actually).

Hopefully this idea helps some folk.

I must admit, I did that one a lot when I was learning Ruby. `init`
would be nice :slight_smile:



On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 2:47 AM, Phlip <> wrote:


Look closer at this.

Thank God the Brits have not foisted their phonetically incorrect
'initialise' on us!

I use gedit with the snippets[1] plugin. I set up a "defi" tap trigger so
that whenever I write "defi" and hit Tab, "def initialize end" will be
inserted automatically. This way, I don't have to worry about misspelling
"initialize" - which I did while writing this response! Can't live without a
spell checker! :slight_smile:



That seems a good idea too. I guess it is important to let each tool
do its work. Editors are here to help us with spelling, alias_method
is not.
+1 for Charlie's idea however ;).


It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the
dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any
longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but
the world as it will be ... ~ Isaac Asimov

I think Charles was being ironic , making fun of the python guys . It's
enough that perl copied the python object model ( and Larry regrets that
even today ) ... let's not do the same mistake again .


Posted via

And I felt actually bad, adding the smiley, just to discover it was
not even enough.

I do not think that Perl copied Python's object model. When I talked
to Larry last time he said that he had copied Ruby's object model. The
last sentence is true, believe me.



It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the
dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any
longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but
the world as it will be ... ~ Isaac Asimov

Robert Dober wrote:

And I felt actually bad, adding the smiley, just to discover it was
not even enough.

I do not think that Perl copied Python's object model. When I talked
to Larry last time he said that he had copied Ruby's object model. The
last sentence is true, believe me.


def new ...would be the "least surprise way" of doing it.
But I suspect there should be a good reason for not doing that.

Would be cool to have some kind of magic file where you could alias the
ruby key words (maybe able to recompile the interpreter with these new
alias) to any word/language you want.

define inicializando
  pon "giiaaacc"



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