Ruby in c't (most influential German computer magazine)


To my knowledge this hasn’t already been reported here:

Two-weekly published c’t is one of the oldest and the most
influential German computer magazines and has an excellent

Edition 23/2002 contains a four page article entitled “Japanisches
Juwel - Ruby: ein neuer Stern am Skriptsprachenhimmel” (Japanese
Jewel - Ruby: a new star on the script languaged heaven").

The article was written by Armin Ro:hrl (o: = o umlaut), Stefan
Schmiedl and Clemens Wyss, the authors of “Programmieren mit Ruby”
(“Programming with Ruby”). It communicates their enthusiasm, points
out quite a number of advantages of Ruby and provides the reader with
more than 20 Ruby-related links.

The article is immediately followed by the “Buchkritk” (“Book
Review”) that among others reviews “Programmieren mit Ruby”.

I am quite sure that this will not be the last Ruby article in c’t.

Josef ‘Jupp’ Schugt


We were surprised how many people must have read it,
looking at our website-logs, showing that we had about 7 times
as many people skimming the online book than normal.

Let’s hope that the momentum stays within the German
speaking Ruby coders and that s.b. sends a positive
"we love Ruby" to the people behind the c’t magazine
so that they will continue to cover ruby in the near future.

Ruby is good. So it will make it earlier or later!


Armin Roehrl,

How could you do all that?
I did not know it was hard.

Ausgezeichnet, mein Freunden! Danke sehr
fuer alle Ihren Arbeit…

Hope I said that correctly. :wink:



----- Original Message -----
From: “Armin Roehrl”
To: “ruby-talk ML”
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: Ruby in c’t (most influential German computer magazine)

Let’s hope that the momentum stays within the German
speaking Ruby coders and that s.b. sends a positive
“we love Ruby” to the people behind the c’t magazine
so that they will continue to cover ruby in the near future.

looking at our website-logs, showing that we had about 7 times
as many people skimming the online book than normal.

they did not knwo how awful the layout is :frowning:
No download and a disappointing split screen layout…

Other publisher do better, example: or
Java ist auch eine Insel, Ullenboom + Rheinwerk, Band 1/Band 2


“Mama, warum ist hier Weihnachten?” Kleiner Junge zu seiner Mutter im
IKEA im Oktober 2002.
Gruß - regards
Klaus :slight_smile: