Hi all,
What is Ruby best practice re handling system exceptions/application
errors/audit events? (mostly for usage with Rails, but also for general
Ruby apps). How do Ruby developers normally handle the following categories
of event?:
a) Uncaught exceptions (i.e. bubble up to top)
- Usage: System failure / developer can't do anything
- Approach: Let exception bubble to the top
- Logging: How? Rails: Ensure rails exception framework will issue
a "logger.error" message to the logs?
- Alerting: Alert (SMS/Email) based on trigger from an uncaught
exception. Rails: Use of "exception_notification" plugin perhaps.
b) Trapped exceptions (i.e. handle explicitly)
- Usage: Understood application error (not system error)
/ Developer can offer value add
- Approach: Catch and handle hence no exception flows up?
- Logging: Rails: Issue a "logger.error" line
- Alerting: Hook into the application's exception framework.
Rails: How to hook into "exception_notification" plugin?
c) Application Specific Audit
- Usage: For application specific event (e.g. sale
has occurred) and want an email alert and a log entry .
- Logging: Via use of application logging facility.
Rails: Use of "logger.info" system
- Alerting: Use of application alerting system.
Rails: Use of "exception_notification" plugin
Any comments / ideas / best practice suggestions would be appreciated.