Ruby 2.7.1 , Ubuntu 20, and error - Errno::ENOTSUP:  Operation not supported - copy_file_range


1. I’m in the process of an upgrade using Ubuntu 20.04, Ruby 2.7.1, and
Rails 6.0.3. I’ve run into an issue using ActiveStorage::attach
with the method (it worked with Ubuntu 12.04 (I know it’s
ancient), Ruby 2.7.1, and Rails 6.0.3) where I get the error:

Errno::ENOTSUP: Operation not supported - copy_file_range

2. I found a test script that demonstrates the failure as follows:

echo "Hello world" > test.txt
ruby -e "require 'fileutils'; FileUtils.copy_file('test.txt', 'test2.txt')"

Traceback (most recent call last):
        7: from -e:1:in `<main>'
        6: from
        5: from
        4: from
        3: from
`block in copy_file'
        2: from
        1: from
`block (2 levels) in copy_file'
`copy_stream': Operation not supported - copy_file_range (Errno::ENOTSUP)

3. It looks to me from reading Gitlab
( and Redhat BugZilla
that new Linux Kernels quit
supporting “copy_file_range”. I grabbed a patch for Ruby called Manually
disable copy_file_range() on RedHat kernels
5cf9b524cb4aece8de1> .

4. I attempted to reinstall Ruby 2.7.1 with this patch as follows:

rbenv install --patch 2.7.1 < ruby-disable-copy-file-range.patch

Downloading ruby-2.7.1.tar.bz2...


Installing ruby-2.7.1...

patching file io.c

Hunk #1 FAILED at 10834.

1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file io.c.rej

BUILD FAILED (Ubuntu 20.04 using ruby-build 20200819-2-g258455e)

5. I saw where folks had the same Hunk #1 failure and I tried to
resolve but to no avail.

Please let me know what more info I can give.

Nick Richardson <>

(404) 665-7989