This is on a Debian Sid system. FWIW, I ran rdoc against the source
tree before the install, without any problems.
the tail of the install reads…
install -c -p -m 0644 regenc.h /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9/i686-linux
install -c -p -m 0644 regint.h /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9/i686-linux
install -c -p -m 0644 regparse.h /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9/i686-linux
install -c -p -m 0644 ruby.1 /usr/local/man/man1/ruby.1
./miniruby ./ext/extmk.rb --dest-dir="" --make=“make” --mflags=""
- –make-flags="" --extout=".ext" --extension --extstatic – install
cp -r ./.ext/. /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9
Generating RDoc documentation
./miniruby ./runruby.rb --extout=.ext – “./bin/rdoc” --all --ri --op
"/usr/local/share/ri/1.9/system" “.”
./bin/rdoc:59:in `require’: No such file to load – rdoc/rdoc (LoadError)
~ from ./bin/rdoc:59
make: *** [install-doc] Error 1
root@mandala:/home/charles/downloads/Ruby/cvs/ruby# which ruby
root@mandala:/home/charles/downloads/Ruby/cvs/ruby# ruby --version
ruby 1.9.0 (2004-03-23) [i686-linux]
Charles Hixson wrote:
This is on a Debian Sid system. FWIW, I ran rdoc against the
source tree before the install, without any problems.
the tail of the install reads… install -c -p -m 0644 regenc.h
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9/i686-linux install -c -p -m 0644 regint.h
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9/i686-linux install -c -p -m 0644 regparse.h
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9/i686-linux install -c -p -m 0644 ruby.1
/usr/local/man/man1/ruby.1 ./miniruby ./ext/extmk.rb --dest-dir=“”
–make=“make” --mflags=“” --make-flags=“” --extout=“.ext”
–extension --extstatic – install cp -r ./.ext/.
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9 Generating RDoc documentation ./miniruby
./runruby.rb --extout=.ext – “./bin/rdoc” --all --ri --op
“/usr/local/share/ri/1.9/system” “.” ./bin/rdoc:59:in `require’: No
such file to load – rdoc/rdoc (LoadError) ~ from
./bin/rdoc:59 make: *** [install-doc] Error 1
root@mandala:/home/charles/downloads/Ruby/cvs/ruby# which ruby
root@mandala:/home/charles/downloads/Ruby/cvs/ruby# ruby --version
ruby 1.9.0 (2004-03-23) [i686-linux]
I solved this problem by copying over the Ruby1.8 ruby/rdoc folder to
the Ruby cvs distribution and re-installing. This allowed me to get
as far as:
~ mkexports.rb:
Generating RI…
accept_rule': undefined local variable or method
size’ for
#SM::ToFlow:0x426f3bbc (NameError)
~ from
accept' ~ from /home/charles/downloads/Ruby/cvs/ruby/rdoc/markup/simple_markup/fragments.rb:165:in
~ from
accept' ~ from /home/charles/downloads/Ruby/cvs/ruby/rdoc/markup/simple_markup.rb:259:in
~ from
markup' ~ from /home/charles/downloads/Ruby/cvs/ruby/rdoc/generators/ri_generator.rb:153:in
~ from
generate_class_info' ~ from /home/charles/downloads/Ruby/cvs/ruby/rdoc/generators/ri_generator.rb:132:in
~ from
generate_class_info' ~ from /home/charles/downloads/Ruby/cvs/ruby/rdoc/generators/ri_generator.rb:90:in
~ from
generate' ~ from /home/charles/downloads/Ruby/cvs/ruby/rdoc/generators/ri_generator.rb:84:in
~ from
generate' ~ from /home/charles/downloads/Ruby/cvs/ruby/rdoc/rdoc.rb:210:in
~ from ./bin/rdoc:63
make: *** [install-doc] Error 1
Whatever this problem is, something is sufficient that
Ruby-gnome-0.9.1 no longer works with Ruby 1.9:
charles@mandala:~/downloads/Ruby/games/sokoban$ ruby sokoban.rb
/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9/i686-linux/ [BUG] unknown
type 0x22
ruby 1.9.0 (2004-03-23) [i686-linux]
charles@mandala:~/Projects/GtkRuby$ ruby packtable.rb
/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9/i686-linux/ [BUG] unknown
type 0x22
ruby 1.9.0 (2004-03-23) [i686-linux]
Sounds like you may have an old RDoc installed which the new one is
finding parts of. Or, I wonder if Debian uses DESTDIR and there’s a
problem with that.
You might want to ask on the -core list, where there are folks who know
this kind of stuff.
On Mar 23, 2004, at 17:45, Charles Hixson wrote:
I solved this problem by copying over the Ruby1.8 ruby/rdoc folder to
the Ruby cvs distribution and re-installing. This allowed me to get
as far as:
At Wed, 24 Mar 2004 08:45:09 +0900,
Charles Hixson wrote in [ruby-talk:95670]:
Whatever this problem is, something is sufficient that
Ruby-gnome-0.9.1 no longer works with Ruby 1.9:
charles@mandala:~/downloads/Ruby/games/sokoban$ ruby sokoban.rb
/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9/i686-linux/ [BUG] unknown
type 0x22
ruby 1.9.0 (2004-03-23) [i686-linux]
Due to the change on ruby.h at 10 March, you have to recompile
extension libraries use Data subclasses, i.e. almost.
Nobu Nakada
I did recompile them. I assume that the problem was caused by the
incomplete reinstall, which stopped at the attempt to install ri
(actually, it stopped when in encounterd the missing rdoc folder, I
kludged that by copying the rdoc folder over from 1.8.1, but there’s a
good chance that wasn’t really the correct patch. It was just all
that I had.).
My presumption is that the cvs version of the cvs/ruby/rdoc folder is
missing by accident. If not, then the installer needs to be patched.
(Perhaps this isn’t the correct list…the request to report any
problems didn’t say where to report them, and it immediately followed
an ad for this mailing list, so I assumed that this was the correct
place, dispite not having seen any quite similar posts.)
··· wrote:
At Wed, 24 Mar 2004 08:45:09 +0900, Charles Hixson wrote in
Whatever this problem is, something is sufficient that
Ruby-gnome-0.9.1 no longer works with Ruby 1.9:
charles@mandala:~/downloads/Ruby/games/sokoban$ ruby sokoban.rb
/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9/i686-linux/ [BUG]
unknown type 0x22 ruby 1.9.0 (2004-03-23) [i686-linux]
Due to the change on ruby.h at 10 March, you have to recompile
extension libraries use Data subclasses, i.e. almost.