Ruby 1.8.2 to be released on July 7?

Is Ruby 1.8.2 going to be released on July 7? I heard a rumor that it might but would like to hear from others.

I was going to launch a mod_ruby site based on Ruby 1.8.1 around July 7 but would probably delay the launch so I can use 1.8.2. The improvements to OpenSSL in Ruby 1.8.2 are the primary reasons--another is to avoid upgrading Ruby after the site is launched.

Hello Randy,

This is the last email interaction between matz and Sean E. Russel on
the core ruby list with the Subject "Ruby 1.8.2 to be released"


On Wednesday 23 June 2004 22:50, Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:

If no one stops, I'd like to release first preview around the first
week of July. But I need to count how much works left before
fixing a deadline. How long do you think your work needs?

I don't know, but I don't need you to delay 1.8.2. It probably won't take
more than a day or two to merge and test. I just want to know that you
won't release it any sooner than X. Would it be accurate to say that X =
July 7? That is two weeks from today, more or less.

Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's

Randy Lawrence wrote:

Is Ruby 1.8.2 going to be released on July 7? I heard a rumor that it might but would like to hear from others.

I was going to launch a mod_ruby site based on Ruby 1.8.1 around July 7 but would probably delay the launch so I can use 1.8.2. The improvements to OpenSSL in Ruby 1.8.2 are the primary reasons--another is to avoid upgrading Ruby after the site is launched.

The following was from matz today in comp.lang.ruby.core



Subject: Contributors: ready for 1.8.2 preview1?

Or do you have anything left for preview1?

I'm going to release the first preview in a day or two, unless someone
stops me.


Lothar Scholz <> wrote in message news:<>...

This is the last email interaction between matz and Sean E. Russel on
the core ruby list with the Subject "Ruby 1.8.2 to be released"

> If no one stops, I'd like to release first preview around the first
> week of July. But I need to count how much works left before
> fixing a deadline. How long do you think your work needs?

I don't know, but I don't need you to delay 1.8.2. It probably won't take
more than a day or two to merge and test. I just want to know that you
won't release it any sooner than X. Would it be accurate to say that X =
July 7? That is two weeks from today, more or less.

Read this conversanion carefully. It does not mean that Ruby 1.8.2
will be released on July 7th. It means that Ruby 1.8.2 will not be
released *before* July 7th. While Matz may indeed release 1.8.2 on
the 7th (tomorrow, as I write this), he's said nothing that guarantees
that the 7th is the release date.

--- SER


On Wednesday 23 June 2004 22:50, Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:

Lothar Scholz wrote:

This is the last email interaction between matz and Sean E. Russel on
the core ruby list with the Subject "Ruby 1.8.2 to be released"

> If no one stops, I'd like to release first preview around the first
> week of July. But I need to count how much works left before
> fixing a deadline. How long do you think your work needs?

I don't know, but I don't need you to delay 1.8.2. It probably
won't take
more than a day or two to merge and test. I just want to know that you
won't release it any sooner than X. Would it be accurate to say that X =
July 7? That is two weeks from today, more or less.

Does anyone have any more info on this?

If its coming out "soon" then I wait before producing the next release
version of the Ruby Installer for Windows. But if it is not eminent, I will
proceed with the latest stable snapshot of 1.8.2.

Can anyone on this list provide me with some guidance?

Thank you,


On Wednesday 23 June 2004 22:50, Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.717 / Virus Database: 473 - Release Date: 7/8/2004

I would personally wait; I know there are probably people waiting on
fixes for Windows, but if you release based on a stable snapshot and
the 1.8.2 preview/release comes even a week later, that means extra
work for you. I would rather have a version of the Windows installer
that I can be comfortable with for a few weeks (at least!) than have
to upgrade twice in short succession.



On Fri, 9 Jul 2004 21:46:29 +0900, Curt Hibbs <> wrote:

If its coming out "soon" then I wait before producing the next release
version of the Ruby Installer for Windows. But if it is not eminent, I will
proceed with the latest stable snapshot of 1.8.2.

Austin Ziegler *
               * Alternate:

Hello Curt,

Lothar Scholz wrote:

This is the last email interaction between matz and Sean E. Russel on
the core ruby list with the Subject "Ruby 1.8.2 to be released"

> If no one stops, I'd like to release first preview around the first
> week of July. But I need to count how much works left before
> fixing a deadline. How long do you think your work needs?

I don't know, but I don't need you to delay 1.8.2. It probably
won't take
more than a day or two to merge and test. I just want to know that you
won't release it any sooner than X. Would it be accurate to say that X =
July 7? That is two weeks from today, more or less.

Does anyone have any more info on this?

If its coming out "soon" then I wait before producing the next release
version of the Ruby Installer for Windows. But if it is not eminent, I will
proceed with the latest stable snapshot of 1.8.2.

Can anyone on this list provide me with some guidance?

I have not seen any more comments about this on the Ruby Core Mailing
list, maybe you should post there or email directly to matz.


On Wednesday 23 June 2004 22:50, Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:

Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's

Lothar Scholz wrote:

Hello Curt,

> Lothar Scholz wrote:
>> This is the last email interaction between matz and Sean E. Russel on
>> the core ruby list with the Subject "Ruby 1.8.2 to be released"
>> ---------------------------
>> > If no one stops, I'd like to release first preview around the first
>> > week of July. But I need to count how much works left before
>> > fixing a deadline. How long do you think your work needs?
>> I don't know, but I don't need you to delay 1.8.2. It probably
>> won't take
>> more than a day or two to merge and test. I just want to
know that you
>> won't release it any sooner than X. Would it be accurate to
say that X =
>> July 7? That is two weeks from today, more or less.
>> ----------------------------

> Does anyone have any more info on this?

> If its coming out "soon" then I wait before producing the next release
> version of the Ruby Installer for Windows. But if it is not
eminent, I will
> proceed with the latest stable snapshot of 1.8.2.

> Can anyone on this list provide me with some guidance?

I have not seen any more comments about this on the Ruby Core Mailing
list, maybe you should post there or email directly to matz.

This morning I decided to do just this, but I'm having trouble subscribing
to the list (plus I'm still trying to restore my crashed machine, so I'm not
sure where the problem lies). Anyway, I am pursuing this path.



>> On Wednesday 23 June 2004 22:50, Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.717 / Virus Database: 473 - Release Date: 7/8/2004