[REMINDER] TRUGhat: Toronto Ruby Hackathon 2006:1

= Reminder: TRUGhat is Saturday, 6 May 2006!

The Toronto Ruby User Group’s first hackathon is this Saturday, 6 May
2006. If you are attending, please add your name to the TRUGhat wiki

== When and Where?
TRUGhat 2006:1 will be held on 6 May 2006, from 10:00 A.M. to 7:00
P.M. Tucows has generously provided the space and network availability
for this event at its offices in Toronto, at 96 Mowat Avenue, one
block west of Dufferin, south of King. Transit accessibility is good,
with both the King West streetcar and the Dufferin bus passing near
the office. Parking is plentiful for those who will be driving.

== What Do I Need to Bring?
* Yourself.
* It would be good if you brought your own computer, although we
will probably be practising pair programming.
* Anything you want to drink during the course of the day.

We will be providing wireless access, and the Tucows office has wireline access.

Pizza lunch will be provided from a nearby Pizza Pizza, courtesy of yours truly.

== What else?
* Make sure you have Ruby installed. We will generally be working
with Ruby 1.8.4.
* Have Subversion command-line or graphical tools installed. For
people with Windows, I recommend TortoiseSVN.
* Create an account on RubyForge. You will be added as a committer
to the project we will be using to manage this release.
* If you have any Ruby documentation, such as either the first or
second-edition Pickaxe books, this will be very useful.

== See you there!

If you are worried that you might get lost, please email me and I will
provide you with my cellphone number to contact me on the day of the

This announcement can be found at http://www.halostatue.ca/ (my blog,



Austin Ziegler * halostatue@gmail.com
* Alternate: austin@halostatue.ca