Just a quick announcement: Reddy 0.1.0 has been released. It's a
libxml-ruby-based RDF library for Ruby (currently just C-based Ruby,
although we hope to have it running on top of other Ruby platforms
soon). There has been a need for a native Ruby RDF library for some
time, and in February I started work on one.
Reddy 0.1.0 has the following features:
* comprehensive and well-tested implementations of the basic classes
used in RDF, developed to pass the W3C test suite.
* a fast parser for RDF/XML documents
Planned for future versions:
* Turtle/Notation3, TriX and RDF/JSON support
* possibly a multiple-approach navigation model similar to RAP's (the
RDF API for PHP) onto-centric approach
* SPARQL support
* RDFa parsing
* and much more
Development at <http://github.com/tommorris/reddy>
Bug tracker at <http://tommorris.lighthouseapp.com/>
Blog announcement at:
To install, sudo gem install reddy
Tom Morris