Rdtool and rdoc

I don’t know xml or xslt; what if I wanted a file in a printable format - such as pdf, rtf, ps, or unvarnished single-page html? I prefer PDF for most things.

Dave@PragmaticProgrammer.com 7/22/02 3:33PM >>>
“David Douthitt” DDouthitt@cuna.coop writes:

The RDoc result is heavily frames-based and seems specifically
designed for Web-access. It’s cute and quite usable in the Web
context, but likely not as easily accessible outside of the Web.

That’s just the default. RDoc also generates Windows .chm files
(actually quite nice) and can generate linear xml and rdf. Given the
XML you could XSLT up any style output you wanted. David Black has
also contributed some xslfo stuff that generates decent printed

