Rdoc - how to exclude internal APIs, and use :title: and :main:?

But I have a new message now, what does

Found symbol “line”

It means I left some debugging in the CVS version… :slight_smile:

Basically copied from your example, but in the html, those lines all
begin with a ‘#’ character. And the text description starts with two
hashes! Is this intended?

Could you send me the original source file and the doc directory, all
tarred up?

Btw, I seem to have much more than one file, so I’m not to sure what
–one-file is for. I was hoping to get all the docs in one file… :slight_smile:
though I guess that’s not possible with html frames.

–one-file sends its output to stdout, so you won’t have any files
lying around. Perhaps these are files from previous runs (which don’t
get deleted).




On Sunday, Mar 9, 2003, at 12:02 US/Central, Sam Roberts wrote: