Hi --
Whatever your definition of type is, a method should not care
(i.e. check) about the types of its arguments. It should just
assume that the arguments have the capabilities that it wants.
That is is core of duck-typing, is it not?
I guess it usually involves method arguments, though only indirectly
-- meaning, it's about how objects are treated, and what assumptions
are made about them, whether or not they arrived on the scene as
method arguments (though I guess that's the usual scenario).
I also think your definition of type (or duck-type) is too
restrictive. Instead of "An object's type is the sum of all of
its capabilities", it should be "An argument's type is the sum
of its capabilities that the method uses or documents that it
may use". Every method argument has its own duck-type.
My definition of "type" isn't restricted to method arguments, so your
definition doesn't work as a drop-in replacement 
I don't find the concept of a "duck-type" very useful. *Type* in
Ruby, without the duck, already reflects something dynamic, flexible,
unrestricted by class/module ancestry, and so on. Duck typing is a
way of leveraging type, in this sense.
But, back to the original thing that spawned this discussion -
the String# method. I claim that this violates the spirit of
duck-typing all over the place because of the class (or type)
(definitely class, in this case)
checking done to accomplish multiple functions. Do you claim
it is duck-typed? If so, show me how you could get the
multiple functions that it has and still be duck-typed.
My point is that when coding ruby, we are encouraged to use
duck-typing, but the ruby library itself does not. Seems kind
of hypocritical.
You're turning it into a game of "Simon Says" -- "Uh oh, you branched
on class membership: you're out!"
I think it's a little more
subtle than that. As I said before, I tend to be accepting of
hard-coded class-based things when they're in the core, since it
provides such a flexible and powerful programming environment and
there's no mandate to base one's Ruby style on the class-name checks
in the C source.
On Thu, 4 Aug 2005, Eric Mahurin wrote:
David A. Black