Raising exceptions across DRb and XMLRPC

My architecture looks something like this. Please excuse the pitiful
ansi drawings.
(best viewed in fixed-width font)

   ------- -------
   > GUI | | GUI |
   ------- -------



       > XMLRPC |
       > >
       > >
        > > >
        > DRB |
        > > >
        > > >
     ------ ------ ------
     >NODE> >NODE> >NODE>

I have GUIs that talk to a Node Manager that talks to Nodes.

Say, an error happens on a Node. How should I transmit that error
back across DRb and XMLRPC to the GUIs? Does XMLRPC do well with
exceptions? Should I come up with my own custom error-reporting

     ------ ------ ------

Joe Van Dyk wrote:

Say, an error happens on a Node. How should I transmit that error
back across DRb and XMLRPC to the GUIs? Does XMLRPC do well with
exceptions? Should I come up with my own custom error-reporting

It is no problem with DRb as it can safely transport exceptions across the network. No special casing is needed.

I'm not sure about XMLRPC.

Florian Groß wrote:

Joe Van Dyk wrote:

Say, an error happens on a Node. How should I transmit that error
back across DRb and XMLRPC to the GUIs? Does XMLRPC do well with
exceptions? Should I come up with my own custom error-reporting

It is no problem with DRb as it can safely transport exceptions across the network. No special casing is needed.

I'm not sure about XMLRPC.

Pretty sure XML-RPC has a defined means for expressing exceptions, or faults:





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Hm, now all I have to do is figure out how to send a
XMLRPC::FaultException. Anyone have any example code?


On 9/27/05, James Britt <james_b@neurogami.com> wrote:

Florian Groß wrote:
> Joe Van Dyk wrote:
>> Say, an error happens on a Node. How should I transmit that error
>> back across DRb and XMLRPC to the GUIs? Does XMLRPC do well with
>> exceptions? Should I come up with my own custom error-reporting
>> scheme?
> It is no problem with DRb as it can safely transport exceptions across
> the network. No special casing is needed.
> I'm not sure about XMLRPC.

Pretty sure XML-RPC has a defined means for expressing exceptions, or


Yes, so it does.

My ClusterManager class needs to throw Exceptions. The ClusterManager
class doesn't really know anything about XMLRPC, as it's being wrapped
by a ClusterManagerServer class that starts the xmlrpc server and adds
a ClusterManager object to the xmlrpc server's handler.

Should the ClusterManager class throw XMLRPC excepts? Or plain Ruby ones?


On 9/27/05, James Britt <james_b@neurogami.com> wrote:

Florian Groß wrote:
> Joe Van Dyk wrote:
>> Say, an error happens on a Node. How should I transmit that error
>> back across DRb and XMLRPC to the GUIs? Does XMLRPC do well with
>> exceptions? Should I come up with my own custom error-reporting
>> scheme?
> It is no problem with DRb as it can safely transport exceptions across
> the network. No special casing is needed.
> I'm not sure about XMLRPC.

Pretty sure XML-RPC has a defined means for expressing exceptions, or


IIRC, just raise it like any old exception

def my_xmlrpc_method
   raise XMLRPC::FaultException.new(1, 'You got exception')

The first parameter is the fault code you want to send, the second is the fault string.



On Sep 27, 2005, at 10:07 PM, Joe Van Dyk wrote:

Hm, now all I have to do is figure out how to send a
XMLRPC::FaultException. Anyone have any example code?


This is how I am using the XMLRPC::FaultException:

     class BlogAPIFault < StandardError

     def mt_getCategoryList(blogid)
       result = @client.call('mt.getCategoryList', blogid, @username, @password)
     rescue XMLRPC::FaultException
       raise BlogAPIFault.new($!.faultString)

This prints nice errors to stdout.



On Oct 3, 2005, at 6:22 AM, Adam Keys wrote:

On Sep 27, 2005, at 10:07 PM, Joe Van Dyk wrote:

Hm, now all I have to do is figure out how to send a
XMLRPC::FaultException. Anyone have any example code?

IIRC, just raise it like any old exception

def my_xmlrpc_method
  raise XMLRPC::FaultException.new(1, 'You got exception')

The first parameter is the fault code you want to send, the second is the fault string.


-Ezra Zygmuntowicz
Yakima Herald-Republic
