Raa.succ - independent reviews

I was just browsing… interesting :slight_smile:

I have thought about a packagemanagement system before for
an operating system… I have some extra ideas for raa.succ:

It would be nice to get ruby-projects evaluated by independent
people. So that when you are browsing RAA, you can see

  1. how well documentated a project is. Is the documentation in
    English/Japanise/Germane? Is it well written, intuitive?

  2. is it dead/alive/abandon… should I choose another project to base
    my code on?

  3. is it alpha/beta/stable ?

  4. license ?

  5. maybe some text about user-experience with the package?

These reviews could maybe encourage people to get a quality stamp
on their projects :slight_smile:

Just a thought :slight_smile:


Simon Strandgaard

No replies… is anyone reading this ?

Could it be useful, is it overkill… what do you think ?


Simon Strandgaard

This all only needs loose integration w/ RAA.rucc. I mean that this
would work best once we have a standard metadata format so these things
can be extracted directly from the “metapackages”, but in the meantime
it should be possible to enrich RAA even as it stands now: this would
essentially mean having our own Freshmeat.


On Sat, Apr 26, 2003 at 03:02:14AM +0900, Simon Strandgaard wrote:

It would be nice to get ruby-projects evaluated by independent
people. So that when you are browsing RAA, you can see

  1. how well documentated a project is. Is the documentation in
    English/Japanise/Germane? Is it well written, intuitive?

  2. is it dead/alive/abandon… should I choose another project to base
    my code on?

  3. is it alpha/beta/stable ?

  4. license ?

  5. maybe some text about user-experience with the package?

These reviews could maybe encourage people to get a quality stamp
on their projects :slight_smile:

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Running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (unstable)
batsman dot geo at yahoo dot com

Linux: The OS people choose without $200,000,000 of persuasion.
– Mike Coleman

freshmeat… I havn’t thought about this, even though I use it :slight_smile:
I think freshmeat is a bit bloated, hard browsable…
RAA.succ can only get better :slight_smile:


On Sun, 27 Apr 2003 15:52:28 +0900, Mauricio Fernández wrote:

On Sat, Apr 26, 2003 at 03:02:14AM +0900, Simon Strandgaard wrote:

It would be nice to get ruby-projects evaluated by independent
people. So that when you are browsing RAA, you can see

  1. how well documentated a project is. Is the documentation in
    English/Japanise/Germane? Is it well written, intuitive?

  2. is it dead/alive/abandon… should I choose another project to base
    my code on?

  3. is it alpha/beta/stable ?

  4. license ?

  5. maybe some text about user-experience with the package?

These reviews could maybe encourage people to get a quality stamp
on their projects :slight_smile:

This all only needs loose integration w/ RAA.rucc. I mean that this
would work best once we have a standard metadata format so these things
can be extracted directly from the “metapackages”, but in the meantime
it should be possible to enrich RAA even as it stands now: this would
essentially mean having our own Freshmeat.

Simon Strandgaard