Actually I have no idea whatsoever, this is normally a good starting point ![:wink: :wink:](
irb is our friend of course, so let us hack away:
irb(main):003:0> (000..'222'.to_i(3)).map{|x|x.to_s(3).rjust(3,
"0").tr('012', '-+ ')}
=> ["---", "--+", "-- ", "-+-", "-++", "-+ ", "- -", "- +", "- ",
"+--", "+-+", "+- ", "++-", "+++", "++ ", "+ -", "+ +", "+ ", " --",
" -+", " - ", " +-", " ++", " + ", " -", " +", " "]
Aha the ternary array is used to create all kind of operator
combinations including " ".
I do not know exactly what this is good for right now, but I guess we
will learn.
As a next step I increase 3 to 8 as I think we can understand that now
and I will add the next method
(00000000..'22222222'.to_i(3)).map { |x| x.to_s(3).rjust(8,
"0").tr('012', '-+ ') }.find_all { |x| x.count("-") == 2 and
x.count("+") == 1 }
=> ["--+ ", "-- + ", "-- + ", "-- + ", "-- + ", "--
+", "-+- ", "-+ - ", "-+ - ", "-+ - ", "-+ - ", "-+
-", "- -+ ", "- - + ", "- - + ", "- - + ", "- - +", "-
+- ", "- + - ", "- + - ", "- + - ", "- + -", "- -+ ",
"- - + ", "- - + ", "- - +", "- +- ", "- + - ", "- + -
", "- + -", "- -+ ", "- - + ", "- - +", "- +- ", "- +
- ", "- + -", "- -+ ", "- - +", "- +- ", "- + -", "-
-+", "- +-", "+-- ", "+- - ", "+- - ", "+- - ", "+-
- ", "+- -", "+ -- ", "+ - - ", "+ - - ", "+ - - ", "+
- -", "+ -- ", "+ - - ", "+ - - ", "+ - -", "+ -- ",
"+ - - ", "+ - -", "+ -- ", "+ - -", "+ --", " --+
", " -- + ", " -- + ", " -- + ", " -- +", " -+- ", " -+ -
", " -+ - ", " -+ - ", " -+ -", " - -+ ", " - - + ", " - -
+ ", " - - +", " - +- ", " - + - ", " - + - ", " - + -", " -
-+ ", " - - + ", " - - +", " - +- ", " - + - ", " - + -", " -
-+ ", " - - +", " - +- ", " - + -", " - -+", " - +-", "
+-- ", " +- - ", " +- - ", " +- - ", " +- -", " + -- ",
" + - - ", " + - - ", " + - -", " + -- ", " + - - ", " + -
-", " + -- ", " + - -", " + --", " --+ ", " -- + ", " --
+ ", " -- +", " -+- ", " -+ - ", " -+ - ", " -+ -", " -
-+ ", " - - + ", " - - +", " - +- ", " - + - ", " - + -", "
- -+ ", " - - +", " - +- ", " - + -", " - -+", " - +-", "
+-- ", " +- - ", " +- - ", " +- -", " + -- ", " + - - ",
" + - -", " + -- ", " + - -", " + --", " --+ ", " -- +
", " -- +", " -+- ", " -+ - ", " -+ -", " - -+ ", " - -
+", " - +- ", " - + -", " - -+", " - +-", " +-- ", " +-
- ", " +- -", " + -- ", " + - -", " + --", " --+ ", "
-- +", " -+- ", " -+ -", " - -+", " - +-", " +-- ", "
+- -", " + --", " --+", " -+-", " +--"]
It is a little longer but we see already that only 2 minuses and 1
plus is allowed...
By storing this into a variable tmp we can continue easily to explore
what is happening{|x| t = "1" + x.split(//).zip((2..9).to_a).join.delete(" ") ;
=> [[456785, "1-2-3+456789"], [56754, "1-2-34+56789"], [6443,
"1-2-345+6789"], [-2668, "1-2-3456+789"], [-34479, "1-2-34567+89"],
[-345670, "1-2-345678+9"], [-456787, "1-2+3-456789"], [-56756,
"1-2+34-56789"], [-6445, "1-2+345-6789"], [2666, "1-2+3456-789"],
[34477, "1-2+34567-89"], [345668, "1-2+345678-9"], [56763,
"1-23-4+56789"], [6722, "1-23-45+6789"], [311, "1-23-456+789"],
[-4500, "1-23-4567+89"], [-45691, "1-23-45678+9"], [-56807,
"1-23+4-56789"], [-6766, "1-23+45-6789"], [-355, "1-23+456-789"],
[4456, "1-23+4567-89"], [45647, "1-23+45678-9"], [6551,
"1-234-5+6789"], [500, "1-234-56+789"], [-711, "1-234-567+89"],
[-5902, "1-234-5678+9"], [-7017, "1-234+5-6789"], [-966,
"1-234+56-789"], [245, "1-234+567-89"], [5436, "1-234+5678-9"],
[-1561, "1-2345-6+789"], [-2322, "1-2345-67+89"], [-3013,
"1-2345-678+9"], [-3127, "1-2345+6-789"], [-2366, "1-2345+67-89"],
[-1675, "1-2345+678-9"], [-23373, "1-23456-7+89"], [-23524,
"1-23456-78+9"], [-23537, "1-23456+7-89"], [-23386, "1-23456+78-9"],
[-234565, "1-234567-8+9"], [-234567, "1-234567+8-9"], [-456789,
"1+2-3-456789"], [-56820, "1+2-34-56789"], [-7131, "1+2-345-6789"],
[-4242, "1+2-3456-789"], [-34653, "1+2-34567-89"], [-345684,
"1+2-345678-9"], [-56769, "1+23-4-56789"], [-6810, "1+23-45-6789"],
[-1221, "1+23-456-789"], [-4632, "1+23-4567-89"], [-45663,
"1+23-45678-9"], [-6559, "1+234-5-6789"], [-610, "1+234-56-789"],
[-421, "1+234-567-89"], [-5452, "1+234-5678-9"], [1551,
"1+2345-6-789"], [2190, "1+2345-67-89"], [1659, "1+2345-678-9"],
[23361, "1+23456-7-89"], [23370, "1+23456-78-9"], [234551,
"1+234567-8-9"], [56794, "12-3-4+56789"], [6753, "12-3-45+6789"],
[342, "12-3-456+789"], [-4469, "12-3-4567+89"], [-45660,
"12-3-45678+9"], [-56776, "12-3+4-56789"], [-6735, "12-3+45-6789"],
[-324, "12-3+456-789"], [4487, "12-3+4567-89"], [45678,
"12-3+45678-9"], [6762, "12-34-5+6789"], [711, "12-34-56+789"], [-500,
"12-34-567+89"], [-5691, "12-34-5678+9"], [-6806, "12-34+5-6789"],
[-755, "12-34+56-789"], [456, "12-34+567-89"], [5647, "12-34+5678-9"],
[450, "12-345-6+789"], [-311, "12-345-67+89"], [-1002,
"12-345-678+9"], [-1116, "12-345+6-789"], [-355, "12-345+67-89"],
[336, "12-345+678-9"], [-3362, "12-3456-7+89"], [-3513,
"12-3456-78+9"], [-3526, "12-3456+7-89"], [-3375, "12-3456+78-9"],
[-34554, "12-34567-8+9"], [-34556, "12-34567+8-9"], [-56778,
"12+3-4-56789"], [-6819, "12+3-45-6789"], [-1230, "12+3-456-789"],
[-4641, "12+3-4567-89"], [-45672, "12+3-45678-9"], [-6748,
"12+34-5-6789"], [-799, "12+34-56-789"], [-610, "12+34-567-89"],
[-5641, "12+34-5678-9"], [-438, "12+345-6-789"], [201,
"12+345-67-89"], [-330, "12+345-678-9"], [3372, "12+3456-7-89"],
[3381, "12+3456-78-9"], [34562, "12+34567-8-9"], [6903,
"123-4-5+6789"], [852, "123-4-56+789"], [-359, "123-4-567+89"],
[-5550, "123-4-5678+9"], [-6665, "123-4+5-6789"], [-614,
"123-4+56-789"], [597, "123-4+567-89"], [5788, "123-4+5678-9"], [861,
"123-45-6+789"], [100, "123-45-67+89"], [-591, "123-45-678+9"], [-705,
"123-45+6-789"], [56, "123-45+67-89"], [747, "123-45+678-9"], [-251,
"123-456-7+89"], [-402, "123-456-78+9"], [-415, "123-456+7-89"],
[-264, "123-456+78-9"], [-4443, "123-4567-8+9"], [-4445,
"123-4567+8-9"], [-6667, "123+4-5-6789"], [-718, "123+4-56-789"],
[-529, "123+4-567-89"], [-5560, "123+4-5678-9"], [-627,
"123+45-6-789"], [12, "123+45-67-89"], [-519, "123+45-678-9"], [483,
"123+456-7-89"], [492, "123+456-78-9"], [4673, "123+4567-8-9"], [2012,
"1234-5-6+789"], [1251, "1234-5-67+89"], [560, "1234-5-678+9"], [446,
"1234-5+6-789"], [1207, "1234-5+67-89"], [1898, "1234-5+678-9"],
[1260, "1234-56-7+89"], [1109, "1234-56-78+9"], [1096,
"1234-56+7-89"], [1247, "1234-56+78-9"], [668, "1234-567-8+9"], [666,
"1234-567+8-9"], [444, "1234+5-6-789"], [1083, "1234+5-67-89"], [552,
"1234+5-678-9"], [1194, "1234+56-7-89"], [1203, "1234+56-78-9"],
[1784, "1234+567-8-9"], [12421, "12345-6-7+89"], [12270,
"12345-6-78+9"], [12257, "12345-6+7-89"], [12408, "12345-6+78-9"],
[12279, "12345-67-8+9"], [12277, "12345-67+8-9"], [12255,
"12345+6-7-89"], [12264, "12345+6-78-9"], [12395, "12345+67-8-9"],
[123450, "123456-7-8+9"], [123448, "123456-7+8-9"], [123446,
Well this is very impressive as it solves the quiz but I lost him
there, I guess we have to look into the block applied to
{|x| t = "1" + x.split(//).zip((2..9).to_a).join.delete(" ") ; [eval(t),t]}
okay let us take just one x, e.g.
x= tmp[32]
=> "- - +"
## To my great despair tmp[42] is not a very good example ![:frowning: :frowning:](
Now we split x into single characters and zip the digits 2 to 9 into them
=> [["-", 2], [" ", 3], [" ", 4], [" ", 5], ["-", 6], [" ", 7], [" ",
8], ["+", 9]]
and I think I understand what happened now, the rest is basic, add a 1
in the front flatten the array and delete all spaces, and you get the
expressions needed for the quiz.
I guess that the final sort.each is quite straight forward.
BTW I want to have my ball back James, or adjust my handicap please ;).
On 4/9/07, Raj Sahae <> wrote:
Christian Neukirchen wrote:
> =begin
>> The quiz, then, is to solve this problem without thinking, instead
>> letting the computer think for you.
> I did not intent to seriously submit this solution, but it can be
> helpful as an example of how to use Ruby to solve a problem quickly
> without thinking too much or locating Knuth on the bookshelve.
> Writing this code took maybe ten minutes and happened step-by-step
> with checking the immediate results.
> Since there are only 168 solutions (254 if you allow a sign before the
> first digit), brute-forcing is the simplest thing one can do.
> Additional operations can be added by changing the base and mapping
> the digits onto further operations. (Different digit order is not
> that easy to implement and maybe be futile to do with brute-forcing.)
> =end
> (00000000..'22222222'.to_i(3)).map { |x| x.to_s(3).rjust(8, "0").
> tr('012', '-+ ') }.
> find_all { |x| x.count("-") == 2 and x.count("+") == 1 }.
> map { |x|
> t = "1" + x.split(//).zip((2..9).to_a).join.delete(" ")
> [eval(t), t]
> }.sort.each { |s, x|
> puts "*****************" if s == 100
> puts "#{x}: #{s}"
> puts "*****************" if s == 100
> }
> __END__
> 2#787<p4>lilith:~/mess/current$ ruby quiz119.rb |grep -C4 100$
> 123-456-7+89: -251
> 123+45-67-89: 12
> 123-45+67-89: 56
> *****************
> 123-45-67+89: 100
> *****************
> 12+345-67-89: 201
> 1-234+567-89: 245
> 1-23-456+789: 311
I'm sorry to be a noob on this, but can someone please explain to me
what this is doing. If it works, it must be genius, and I can't figure
it out.
Raj Sahae
You see things; and you say Why?
But I dream things that never were; and I say Why not?
-- George Bernard Shaw