I know there exist expert-systems for decices… Something similar would be
nice to have when developing Ruby-applications.
Is there already such system around ?
From time to time, every now and then, I bump into bugs in my own code.
Rarely I bump into problems which I cannot figure out how to solve.
A cross between a FAQ and a mailing list digest with a good search
facility would be more of what you want. I have thought of this myself
for the various problems I get with Tk.
Im not sure about an expert system though (and I’m the guy who wrote the
expert system that is available in the RAA - now available in Perl).
Unfortunatly the condensing of message threads into some kind of ‘pearl
of wisdom’ is not something that can be easily automated. Interesting
problem though.
They are very similar… but when problems tend to be too complex and
confusing on ruby-talk, then people bails out. No replyes, is not useful.
If people ends up in a corner of the rules, where it cannot compute any
good answers… then the user should be able to contribute, if she finds a
solution (ala wiki).
I tried doing a search on google, in order to see if there are any such
expert systems around, which can assist you with hard-debugging.
But there doesn’t seems to be any online+free systems around.
You can do many things to catch errors before they occur:
test-first of everything
don’t assume too much
But when hard errors occur… you are on your own:
output tons of debug info.
record sequences courses the error.
step-by-step debugging.
Thats about it… The issues about Ruby’s behavier, I don’t know enough
about. This is what I hope that a ruby-expert-system could tell me:
are you aware that Ruby-1.6.8 has a bug in Array#method.
a=[1,2];b=a;b[1]=3;p a #=> [1, 3]
other kinds of secret ruby information.
propose ideas how to solve these paticular problems.
First question it could ask you, could be:
Q: Which version of Ruby do you use ?
o 1.6.7
o 1.6.8
o 1.7.2
o 1.8.0
hmm… i don’t know how to do it… it would take much efforts, but it
would be really nice
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 10:50:04 +0000, Lyle Johnson wrote:
Simon Strandgaard wrote:
I know there exist expert-systems for decices… Something similar would be
nice to have when developing Ruby-applications.
Is there already such system around ?
I know this is not a bug… This was just examples of what such expert
system could tell you. The 2 lines you see is 2 different entries.
Admitted they can easily be confused as one.
On Wed, 25 Jun 2003 07:58:13 +0000, Tim Sutherland wrote: