A proc is an object. A method isn’t. Consider a method of zero arguments:
def fiveSquared
5 * 5
You can call this method simply by writing `fiveSquared’, and Ruby knows
you want the method called, because that’s the only thing you can do with
Well, there’s a bit more to it than that really.
If I follow your above code with:
puts fiveSquared
fiveSquared = 9 # OK so not very strong mathematically!
puts fiveSquared
Then I get “25” then “9” printed. ‘fiveSquared’ by itself is just a symbolic
reference; in the second location it’s treated as a local variable access
because of the previous assignment to fiveSquared.
But after that:
puts fiveSquared()
puts self.fiveSquared
both give 25. With a parenthesised argument list, or an explicit receiver,
it has to be interpreted as a method call; there is now no ambiguity.
Furthermore, a method (once defined) is in fact an object, or at least you
can get hold of an object which encapulates it:
m = method(:fiveSquared) #>> #<Method: Object(Object)#fiveSquared>
m.call #>> prints 25
A proc, however, can be assigned to a variable, passed into methods, etc.
Methods (like the one assigned to ‘m’ above) can be passed around too.
In fact, unlike methods, procs are unnamed. (Am I right about methods
intrinsically having names?)
I think so. The lowest-level way I know how to define a method is with
define_method(:sym,proc) so you have to assign it a symbolic name at that
point. It remembers it too (e.g. m.inspect tells you its name)
fiveSquared = proc {5 * 5}
`fiveSquared’ is just a variable.
Indeed, which happens to contain a reference to a Proc object. But even now,
fiveSquared() will still call the method, not this Proc object.
have such different syntaxes (syntices?). Same for method parameter list
(...)' and block parameter list
The block parameter list is closer to parallel assignment than a method
call. e.g. the following are pretty much the same:
a, b, *c = 1, 2, 3, 4
… do stuff …
x = proc { |a,b,*c| … do stuff … }
Still, it’s important to realize
that methods and functions (which is what procs are) are different
Ruby doesn’t have “functions” - it does have Methods and Procs. Someone
coming from a background of, say, C, would probably consider a Method to be
the closer analogy to a C function:
int adder(int a,b)
return a+b;
def adder(a,b)
as opposed to the Proc, which is perhaps a little bit like a “pointer to a
function”, but not very much
On Thu, Apr 10, 2003 at 01:57:18AM +0900, Chris Pine wrote: