PostgreSQL samples


Where can i find an example code for postgresql ruby module ?


Korshunov Ilya

You have a “sample” directory included with ruby-postgres source. It
contains from trivial examples to an implementation of psql in ruby.



El miércoles 16 de octubre, Korshunov Ilya escribió:

Where can i find an example code for postgresql ruby module ?

David Espada, a.k.a. |)a/inci (

Debian GNU/Linux Sid

В сообщении от 16 Октябрь 2002 13:22 David Espada написал:


El miércoles 16 de octubre, Korshunov Ilya escribió:

Where can i find an example code for postgresql ruby module ?

You have a “sample” directory included with ruby-postgres source. It
contains from trivial examples to an implementation of psql in ruby.


Korshunov Ilya