'lo all,
I’ve been playing with the idea of starting a new little personal project and
would like a little feedback before I really get started. I’m still brainstorming
at the moment.
My situation is as follows:
We admin several diverse servers in our student organization. The
administration team periodically gets new members and members leave as they
graduate. You can see that documenting is an important element to ease these
transitions. We have created a LaTeX doc documenting the network/system
configuration. This document is currently maintained manually and as
configurations change, we modify the doc. You can image that this
documentation will get out of sync real quick.
I’m looking to probe for various systems for specific information in real
time. At the core of this project would be a library which provides tools to
probe the underlying system for this info (CPU, mem, disks, net interfaces, etc).
Much like phpSysInfo without the web interface. This lib would only be capable
of doing the probing and how you use the info would be up to you (I would use
it with templates and perhaps a web interface a la phpSysInfo).
I’m aware of Daniel Berger’s sysutils, however I’m curious if a lib like this
could be somewhat of an “umbrella” for all the system utils out there. Most of the
probing would be done by parsing output from standard system utils, however a C
extension per platform would be possible.
I threw together the attached code to make things a little clearer as to what
I’m trying to realize.
And so. Suggestions are welcome.
sysinfo.rb (1.11 KB)
infoclient.rb (307 Bytes)
infoserver.rb (167 Bytes)
E F van de Laar
PGP pubkey: %finger emiel@il.fontys.nl
have you seen this?
On Mon, 1 Mar 2004, E F van de Laar wrote:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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'lo all,
I’ve been playing with the idea of starting a new little personal project and
would like a little feedback before I really get started. I’m still brainstorming
at the moment.
My situation is as follows:
We admin several diverse servers in our student organization. The
administration team periodically gets new members and members leave as they
graduate. You can see that documenting is an important element to ease these
transitions. We have created a LaTeX doc documenting the network/system
configuration. This document is currently maintained manually and as
configurations change, we modify the doc. You can image that this
documentation will get out of sync real quick.
I’m looking to probe for various systems for specific information in real
time. At the core of this project would be a library which provides tools to
probe the underlying system for this info (CPU, mem, disks, net interfaces, etc).
Much like phpSysInfo without the web interface. This lib would only be capable
of doing the probing and how you use the info would be up to you (I would use
it with templates and perhaps a web interface a la phpSysInfo).
I’m aware of Daniel Berger’s sysutils, however I’m curious if a lib like this
could be somewhat of an “umbrella” for all the system utils out there. Most of the
probing would be done by parsing output from standard system utils, however a C
extension per platform would be possible.
I threw together the attached code to make things a little clearer as to what
I’m trying to realize.
And so. Suggestions are welcome.
EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
ADDRESS :: E/GC2 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3328
URL :: Solar-Terrestrial Physics Data | NCEI
TRY :: for l in ruby perl;do $l -e “print "\x3a\x2d\x29\x0a"”;done
Perhaps I’m misunderstanding the intention of both projects, but check
On Monday, March 1, 2004, 10:47:25 PM, E wrote:
And so. Suggestions are welcome.