Parsing xml documents using rexml


I'm new to ruby.
I want to use ruby to process an xml file.

At the moment I am using the REXML but are open to other xml parsers.

In the xml file below how would I go about processing the section <details> in the following way: -
- when the tag <copy> is detected perform a method "copy". within the "copy" method extract other child tags within the current <copy> element.
- when the tag <mkdir> is detected perform a method "mkdir". within the "mkdir" method extract other tags within the current <mkdir> element.

I've looked at using XPATH, and have been able to extract specific information but have not worked out how to do it.

here is a sample xml file: -

<?xml version="1.0"?>

This can state one or multiple applications
Person from development who create this file
       This is a sample File group xml

       <source version="3">//myPath/to/File.txt</source>
       <target>target directory path goes here</target>
       <target>target directory path goes here</target>

Derek wrote:


I'm new to ruby.
I want to use ruby to process an xml file.

At the moment I am using the REXML but are open to other xml parsers.

In the xml file below how would I go about processing the section <details> in the following way: -
- when the tag <copy> is detected perform a method "copy". within the "copy" method extract other child tags within the current <copy> element.
- when the tag <mkdir> is detected perform a method "mkdir". within the "mkdir" method extract other tags within the current <mkdir> element.

I've looked at using XPATH, and have been able to extract specific information but have not worked out how to do it.

Here is a somewhat sloppy version, but it works:

require 'rexml/document'
include REXML

def copy(source, target)
   puts "Copying from #{source} to #{target}"

def mkdir(dir)
   puts "Making directory #{dir}"

xml_file = ARGV[0] || 'filegroup.xml'
doc =
doc.elements.each('fileGroup/details') do |element|
   element.each do |command|
     if command.kind_of? Element
       when 'copy'
         source = ''
         target = ''
         command.each do |param|
           if param.kind_of? Element
             if == 'source'
               source = param.text
             elsif == 'target'
               target = param.text
         copy(source, target)
       when 'mkdir'
         puts "Unknown command: #{}"

If you used attributes instead of subtags it would be easier:
<copy source="something" target="whatever"/>
<mkdir dir="some_dir"/>

doc.elements.each('fileGroup/details') do |element|
   element.each do |command|
     if command.kind_of? Element
       when 'copy'
         copy(command.attributes['source'], command.attributes['target'])
       when 'mkdir'
         puts "Unknown command: #{}"

Ryan Leavengood

"Derek" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:001901c54e3d$713334c0$a0b21cd3@dhaskin...

I'm new to ruby.
I want to use ruby to process an xml file.

At the moment I am using the REXML but are open to other xml parsers.

In the xml file below how would I go about processing the section <details> in the following way: -
- when the tag <copy> is detected perform a method "copy". within the "copy" method extract other child tags within the current <copy> element.
- when the tag <mkdir> is detected perform a method "mkdir". within the "mkdir" method extract other tags within the current <mkdir> element.

I've looked at using XPATH, and have been able to extract specific information but have not worked out how to do it.

here is a sample xml file: -

<?xml version="1.0"?>

This can state one or multiple applications
Person from development who create this file
       This is a sample File group xml

       <source version="3">//myPath/to/File.txt</source>
       <target>target directory path goes here</target>
       <target>target directory path goes here</target>

Without an actual implementation I think you need two levels of iteration here: you iterate through all "copy" and "mkdir" elements that are childs of "details" and then for each of them you need to collect specific child data. That's the way I would try to approach this. HTH

Kind regards
