hmm interesting
3 of the logs have the month as 1 instead of 01 and it does not get seen
as in range.
The regexp that I proposed now:
will indeed only work on a month like '01' , '12', ...
That is because the {2} required _exactly_ 2 digits.
If you also want to match '1', '5' etc. you may need to write
But then ... for a _string_ comparison, you will need to
expand it always to a 2 character result (otherwise
the month '5' would be "higher" than the month '10';
but '05' is lower than '10').
What are you doing here time = "#{$2}/#{$1}#{$3}" ?
There are 3 groups in the regex (between the brackets) and
I am reordering them to generate the YYYY/mm/dd HH:MM:SS:MMM
I think UNTESTED !! the new regexp then becomes:
^ GRP 1 ^ ^ GRP 2 ^ ^ GRP3^^ GROUP 4 ^
time = "#{$3}/#{$1.rjust(2,'0')}/#{$2.rjust(2,'0')}#{$4}"
The GRP comments are to show you the extent of the 4 Regex groups, that
you find back then as $1, $2, $3, $4.
In order to catch these logs I'm thinking I should drop the date
completely from this part of the scan because the logs are generated
daily do I can just search the date.log for the proper time.
That 's also a possibility
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Christopher Graves <>wrote: