we have released OpenWFEru 0.9.2, it's available from Rubyforge :
The website is at http://openwferu.rubyforge.org
It's a Ruby open source (BSD) workflow and bpm engine, it's a
port/rewrite from the existing OpenWFE java workflow engine to Ruby.
It's still a very early release but it's promising. There's an example
of its [embedded] usage at
The examples should get simpler as the engine and its surrounding
components (worklists, workflow participants) mature.
The move to Ruby allowed us to depart from traditional business
processes expressed as XML to business processes defined as Ruby
classes, thanks to Ruby huge versatility.
The initial persistence implementation stores process instances to the
disk via yaml (business processes can last very long).
Might interest some of you out there, as users and maybe as contributors.
Best regards,
John Mettraux -///- http://jmettraux.openwfe.org