Normal For Loop

Alright, you people have convinced me. Break seems like a good
solution, I like that you can put a condition after it. The last
submission seems very interested and I'm excited to learn all of these
different array functions.

Anyone know anything about "Rails for PHP Developers" book? I have been
programming in PHP sense I was like 13, it is burned into my head. I
like scripting in Ruby, but I'm still very uncomfortable with Rails
development. Is that book any good?


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It is probably unwise to put different types of data all in the same array,
but here is my attempt (relies on 1.9 Enumerable method #chunk
module Enumerable - RDoc Documentation)

# these just record what params they received
def do_operation(element)
  @do_operation ||=
  @do_operation << element

def do_another_operation(elements)
  @do_another_operation ||=
  @do_another_operation << elements

# sequences of Symbols should be considered a single element
# and Fixnums should be considered a single element
# (the data should probably not be stored like this)
elements = [1,2,:a,:b,3,4,5,9,2,:a,:b]

# chunk the data by its class
chunks = elements.chunk(&:class)
chunks.to_a # => [[Fixnum, [1, 2]], [Symbol, [:a, :b]], [Fixnum, [3, 4, 5,
9, 2]], [Symbol, [:a, :b]]]

# look at each chunk, if they are fixnums, treat them individually
# if they are symbols, treat them as a collection
chunks.each do |klass,chunk|
  if Fixnum == klass
    chunk.each { |e| do_operation e }
  elsif Symbol == klass
    do_another_operation chunk
    # ...

# What did the methods receive?
@do_operation # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 2]
@do_another_operation # => [[:a, :b], [:a, :b]]


On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 3:52 AM, Saverio Miroddi <>wrote:

> I tried to do this the other night, but right now I can't find a good
> example so here it goes:
> a = some_array
> minValue = 999999
> for(i=0; i<a.length && minValue!=0; i+=1) {
> minValue = (5000 - a[i]).abs
> }
> This isn't the best example. However, there are many times like the
> loop above where I want to go through the whole thing, but if I find
> exactly what I am looking for, I want to bail out early instead of
> wasting that processing time.
> Also, I sometimes may want to not actually iterate straight through, but
> browse through the array in some more complex order.

I have a "good" example. In my case I want to iterate a collection,
skipping a variable number of elements based on a given element.
In this case, the C for construct (counter_init, cycle_condition,) would
be useful because I wouldn't have to initialize the counter variable
outside of the scope, and I can increment the counter inside the loop.

The code is something like this:

for ( i = 0; i < elements.size; ) do
if elements[ i ].is_a?( OneType )
   do_operation( elements[ i ] );
   i += 1;
elsif elements[ i ].is_a?( AnotherType )
   sub_elements =
     sub_elements << elements[ i
     i += 1;
   end while elements[ i ].is_a?( AnotherType )
   do_another_operation( sub_elements )

This example doesn't pretend to be clever/correct/well constructed, but
is a real-world case where this kind of loop would be useful.

Posted via\. wrote in post #640913:
... Get familiar with the methods in Enumerable,

Array, and Numeric. Each time you want to write a for loop, try and
use one of those instead, and if you get stuck, ask for advice.

I am very new to Ruby, as you will see...

So far I've counted while, until, for, each, step (2 varieties), upto,
downto, each_with_index, times...

Is there a limited number (if so, is there a simple way find out how
many and what they are?), or can new methods be written indefinitely?


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You should check out the Enumerable module: Module: Enumerable (Ruby 2.0.0)


On Oct 23, 2013, at 1:20 PM, Roy Gardiner <> wrote: wrote in post #640913:
... Get familiar with the methods in Enumerable,

Array, and Numeric. Each time you want to write a for loop, try and
use one of those instead, and if you get stuck, ask for advice.

I am very new to Ruby, as you will see...

So far I've counted while, until, for, each, step (2 varieties), upto,
downto, each_with_index, times...

Is there a limited number (if so, is there a simple way find out how
many and what they are?), or can new methods be written indefinitely?

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