Newbie : assign a value to a variable

"and" and "or" have much lower precedence than "&&" and "||", mostly to allow for natural language constructs like:

   res = may_return_nil() or raise "Oops, we got a nil!"

Hope that helps.

James Edward Gray II


On Aug 28, 2006, at 8:45 AM, Harold Hausman wrote:

Not to highjack this thread or anything, but what's the difference
between '||' and 'or' ?


Can someone tell me what horrible thing Rails is doing to the language, there?

How is @params[:per_page].to_i becoming false?

Kirk Haines


On Mon, 28 Aug 2006, Nicolas Blanco wrote:

I tried :
per_page = @params[:per_page].to_i > 0 ? @params[:per_page] : 20

but in this case if @params[:per_page] = 'blahblah' it works, I get 20
in per_page but if @params[:per_page] = 6 or another integer I get :
undefined method `>' for false:FalseClass

from Rails...