datas << myCols flatten the Array “datas” which has to be an Array of
Arrays that’s to say each element of the Array “datas” has to be an
Array itself (being a set of columns from a database)
the equivalent in Java/BeanShell being Vector of Vectors.
i’m sure (print out) all datas are OK but the structure of them.
then the question is to know if the line “datas << myCols” returns an
Array of Array or simply an concataneted Array ???
If fieldsHash is a normal ruby Hash, the order of the keys is
i suspect de line :
datas << myCols flatten the Array “datas” which has to be an Array of
Arrays that’s to say each element of the Array “datas” has to be an
Array itself (being a set of columns from a database)
the equivalent in Java/BeanShell being Vector of Vectors.
i’m sure (print out) all datas are OK but the structure of them.
then the question is to know if the line “datas << myCols” returns an
Array of Array or simply an concataneted Array ???
To see what is in a variable, use ‘p’ or #inspect. ‘p’ prints, #inspect returns a string.