New ruby friend

I am new in Ruby. I want write a script in Ruby but I wish an example of
ruby.h. Can you send me a copy?



MSN Foto: condividi, ritocca e stampa le tue foto online

I am not sure exactly what you are looking for but a good place to start
is the pick-axe book.
It is availiable online here:

Hello World in ruby looks like this:

puts “Hello World!”


-----Original Message-----
From: Rossella Trinchese []
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 10:01 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: new ruby friend

I am new in Ruby. I want write a script in Ruby but I wish an example of

ruby.h. Can you send me a copy?


MSN Foto: condividi, ritocca e stampa le tue foto online

You don’t need it. Just write the script in your favourite text
editor, save it, and issue `ruby myscript.rb’ from the command line.



On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 11:01:01PM +0900, Rossella Trinchese wrote:

I am new in Ruby. I want write a script in Ruby but I wish an example of
ruby.h. Can you send me a copy?