I guess that's the part I don't get. In the majority the cases, I don't see
how choosing a particular synonym better expresses the intention.
For example, in the Hash class, has_key? = include? = key? = member? When I
see include? and member? it's not immediately obvious to me whether they
test whether a given object is present as a key or a value. has_key? and
key? are more clear and I don't see a benefit to having both of them.
i couldn't disagree more. names, for variables or methods, are of utmost
importance to better expresses intention:
puts 'this makes sense even without knowing what set is!' if set.member? 42
puts 'this is requires a comment' if s.has_key? 42
That may be the best example. Here are some others.
collect = map
entries = to_a
detect = find
member? = include?
find_all = select
p signals.detect{|sig| sig.freq > 42}
p list.find{|x| x.freq > 42}
store = =
merge! = update
has_value? = value?
next = succ
pos = tell
fail = raise
format = sprintf
next = succ
next! = succ!
fork = start
exit = kill = terminate
for many synonyms consider duck typing usage as well - it's not only about
making sense when reading:
if i have a lib that does this
exit if bug
then i can use it like this
require 'lib'
or like this
successfully_loaded = Thread::new {
require 'lib'
rescue SystemExit
puts "Thread#exit called in lieu of Kernel#exit - whew" unless successfully_loaded
the interface polymorism gained by synonyms is often handy.
if i design a table class an initially design it around a hash and use
table.store key, value
in my code, but later decide i need to store multiple values under one key and
switch to a database backend i can simply have a store method that looks like
def store key, *values
and then start using
table.store key, v0, v1, v2
without changing the other code. if i'd used
table[key] = value
all over the plase initially i'd have a strange mixture of methods and would
require a special method for storing one value, which would quickly become
code smell. in this case the abstract idea of 'storing' something under a key
was more appropriate to my design in the first place so using this interface
saved me grief later.
synonyms exist elsewhere for clarity in ruby too
unless == if not
On Fri, 20 Jan 2006, Mark Volkmann wrote:
strong and healthy, who thinks of sickness until it strikes like lightning?
preoccupied with the world, who thinks of death, until it arrives like
thunder? -- milarepa