I’m not a Microsoft kind of guy, so this may not be perfectly correct.
MySQL optionally speaks ODBC. Access speacks ODBC. Try connecting to
both sets of databases while in Access and copying the tables over.
– Matt
Attitude: The difference between ordeal and adventure
One issue though, in Access I have some special character such fraction,
backquote, etc …
how do I replace those characters to ASCI equivalent when transfering to
MySQL, or do I have to do it outside MySQL? Thanks
The usual thing is to export to a non-proprietary format (CSV is handy) and
then import it to your target. phpMyAdmin is very good at importing CSV.
Hopefully the characters you’re worried about will survive the export, MS
Access isn’t that poor.
I did export them to CSV text but the fraction(and other non-ascii)
characters still there? Helllllllllllllppp!
Welcome to the hell of database migration, or the heaven if you are a
paid consultant :-).
I’m afraid that you have to write your own little CSV parser that does
character conversion and quote handling. Should take only a few hours.
The big players, Oracle, IBM, SAP/MySQL could improve the situation
but they also get about 2000 US$ for one day consulting. So why should
they change anything by implementing a common standart ?