Meta-Meta-Programming, revisited

Not sure how the method_name parameter is useful, isn't it
just :description? In any case, the paraemters are nicely

post_condition (like pre_condition) receives *method_names. So,
passing the name of the wrapped method might be usefull.

Hey, wrap_method doesn't receive *method_names... yet... ;]

Erik V. -



class Module

   def wrap_method(method_name, &block1)
     >, args2, block2, self)

   def pre_condition(*method_names, &block1)
     method_names.flatten.each do |method_name|
       wrap_method(method_name) do |org_method, args2, block2, obj2|, method_name, args2, block2)
*args2, &block2) if org_method

   def post_condition(*method_names, &block1)
     method_names.flatten.each do |method_name|
       wrap_method(method_name) do |org_method, args2, block2, obj2|*args2, &block2) if org_method
, method_name, args2, block2)



> > What about |obj, method_name, args, block|? That one must
> > be easy to remember, since it resembles the order of the
> > call (object is the receiver).

Changed. [1]

Hey, wrap_method doesn't receive *method_names... yet... ;]

Fixed. [2]

I changed the internals of wrap_module slightly, but enough to
be measurably faster... [2]

The implementation of "once" is now thread safe. [3]

Erik V. -

[1] Ruby Monitor-Functions - Or Meta-Meta-Programming in Ruby
[2] Ruby Monitor-Functions - Or Meta-Meta-Programming in Ruby
[3] Ruby Monitor-Functions - Or Meta-Meta-Programming in Ruby