Matz is Mormon? (was: Re: rubyconf notes)

Hmmmm… Mormon… is that anything like an LDS?


Me too. I had a suspicion when I saw Joseph Smith as the sample name on the
ruby mailing list signup page and when I read that he talked about how he
was a Christian and had been a missionary.

Can I join in? Though going to BYU I already knew

Same thing. Two shortened words for a member of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints.



----- Original Message -----
From: “Ted”
To: “ruby-talk ML”
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: Matz is Mormon?? (was: Re: rubyconf notes)

Hmmmm… Mormon… is that anything like an LDS?

Me too. I had a suspicion when I saw Joseph Smith as the sample name on
ruby mailing list signup page and when I read that he talked about how
was a Christian and had been a missionary.

Can I join in? Though going to BYU I already knew