Hello Rubyists!
Hugh Sasse has been working with the Ruby Visual Identity Team to provide an alternate stylesheet for people with visual impairment. It's now available on the Ruby Web site. To access the stylesheet you will need to have a browser that supports alternate stylesheets. In Firefox you can turn it on by clicking View > Page Style > Low vision. The Low vision stylesheet enlarges the text a little and increases the contrast in some places, but generally tries to keep the experience the same.
We'd like feedback on this, and contributions of other stylesheets. There has been discussion of white on black, or black on yellow colour schemes for example. We also don't have any stylesheets for braille devices yet.
One thing we should be clear on is that we are not accepting alternate stylesheets just to suite a user's stylistic preferences. We would like to make the site more accessible to a broader range of people, but the general style or brand of the Web site should remain the same. A high-contrast stylesheet in the same style as the original with minimal changes would be acceptable. Also a stylesheet for braille devices would be acceptable. A totally different stylesheet would not be.
If you'd like to help out please contact us on the VIT-Discuss mailing list:
John Long
Hugh Sasse has been working with the Ruby Visual Identity Team to provide an alternate stylesheet for people with visual impairment. It's now available on the Ruby Web site. To access the stylesheet you will need to have a browser that supports alternate stylesheets. In Firefox you can turn it on by clicking View > Page Style > Low vision. The Low vision stylesheet enlarges the text a little and increases the contrast in some places, but generally tries to keep the experience the same.
I suffer from impaired vision, so I'd like to try out the Low Vision style sheet and give you some feedback. My browser is Safari. AFAIK, it doesn't support alternate style sheets. Am I wrong? And if I am, how are alternate style sheets enabled on Safari?
We'd like feedback on this, and contributions of other stylesheets. There has been discussion of white on black, or black on yellow colour schemes for example. We also don't have any stylesheets for braille devices yet.
I find black on white to be the easiest to read. Blue on white and red on white are OK. White on black gives me trouble.
Regards, Morton
On Dec 6, 2006, at 3:06 PM, John W. Long wrote:
Morton Goldberg wrote:
I suffer from impaired vision, so I'd like to try out the Low Vision style sheet and give you some feedback. My browser is Safari. AFAIK, it doesn't support alternate style sheets. Am I wrong? And if I am, how are alternate style sheets enabled on Safari?
I haven't been able to use it in Safari. We may eventually rig up a way with javascript for it to be used everywhere.
John Long