Looking for HTML templating system

Your performance requirements should be no problem at all for any decent
solution. The main thing to look at is what your peak load is. That is,
you get 600k hits per month, but they are probably not evenly distributed.
So, look at how many you are getting druing your peak usage periods and do
you performance checking based on that. i.e if you peak at 7200 hits per
hour, then you will want to know if the solution you look at can do 2
requests per second with a response time of < .2 seconds.

I don’t want to create a method for every string, and there is another
problem: the strings have to take “arguments” (the username, in this
case). I could use ERuby with a method like this:

def gettext(string, *args)
@text[@lang] % args

where @text[@lang] is “Logged in as %s”. But it looks a bit ugly to
have <%=gettext(‘LOGGED_IN_AS’, @username)%> everywhere in the file…

So different chunks of text take different arguments?

In the UHTML:

You define a component that a) has a ‘username’ instance var and b) looks
at the ‘text’ parameter to see which text it is supposed to deliver.

Then all you have to provide in the code file is the binding:

<? withUsername { username = username } ?>

This assumes that when the page was onened, a little bit of code got
invoked that pulled the username out of wherever you have it stored (ex. a

That might work.

GetText would have to know how to get the various pieces of text based on
what it received in the “text” attribute.

I think I could use the accept-language setting to set the
language cookie and also add some small form field to allow the user to
change the language, because many browsers aren’t configured correctly.

(nod) When I was thinking about this, what made sense to me was to
default to Accept-Language settings, but to allow the presence of a cookie
with the preferred language setting to override this.

Good luck,

Kirk Haines


On Sun, 7 Mar 2004, Andreas Schwarz wrote: