Frunobulax wrote:
Ok, here´s the picture:
I know absolutely nothing about programming, but lots of time and will to
learn, and I want to learn ruby to use that new ruby console in my favourite
piece of software…
Where do I start? Which should be the steps? Is it a feasible task? Am I
No You’re not, is very feasible, I’m “self” taught
-get the interpreter Ruby Programming Language
-get docs → , grab the Ruby documentation Bundle, I
found the Ruby user’s guide as the best start up, 'cos it shows OO
basics(I use to hate OO now…is a very different story)
check also
-read’em, try the examples, give’em your very own whirl, try to figure
out how to do something useful to you out of 'em, try little snips.
-have an itch?, try to scratch it with Ruby,(hint don’t try to change
the world in one day,i.e. be ambitious but realist), start having
-Got trouble? ask
*buy some books
*almost forgot: read the Ruby clr even if some the stuff goes over your
head at first(or even later )
The best way to start, at least for me, was by reading a bit, then try
to do something useful out of it, even if it was trivial/simple:
hey how do I find all mp3’s in my HD? verify they are named this way:
artist - songtitle.mp3, save the list to a text file, learn to parse it,
load it to a DB, query the db, add a web front end (simple)…start
simple go adding to it.
Any help would be appreciated