Another one several of you have asked about...JRuby running on Java ME:
This is using Sun's reference implementation "cvm" with the CDC (Connected Device Configuration) and the PBP (Personal Basis Profile) set of classes. It's basically the same as what you'd have on a Java ME-enabled phone or embedded device supporting the same level of APIs.
PBP is available here, for Linux only. I'm not sure whether it's been open-sourced yet or not, but I thought it was planned:
The project is hosted here:
It's essentially JRuby 1.2 forked and stripped of libraries and code that aren't supported in CDC. My intention with this is to get it running with a base set of Ruby classes but with Java integration still functional. That will allow most basic Ruby scripts to work while providing access to the rest of the Java APIs for bits I had to rip out.
It's only running interpreted right now, just like the Android version of JRuby, but as in that case I expect most people would want to precompile Ruby code and ship it all as one unit.
I think there are many other possible ways we could repurpose JRuby like this; it really only took me a couple days of trimming to get this far. Android will take far less time, and other "mini ruby" profiles might be possible for other platforms as well.
Questions, comments, patches welcome
- Charlie