Our company has posted a job listing on Monster[1].
Although the description does not say, the job will
extensively involve Ruby as the foundation language
for creating layout and schematic drawings.
I am posting here because I assume those reading
the list will have knowledge of Ruby. In addition
to that, the applicant must have knowledge of
semiconductor device physics and be willing to
relocate to Lexington KY.
The job is for an entry level engineer or a new college
grad with a BS, MS or PhD, preferrably in Electrical
or Computer Engineering.
If you think you qualify for the position, you may
send me your contact information at jfn@freeze.org
and I will contact you soon as possible.
(Contacting me directly will be better than applying
on Monster as we cannot guarantee a reply to all
applications on Monster.)
Our company has posted a job listing on Monster[1].
Although the description does not say, the job will
extensively involve Ruby as the foundation language
for creating layout and schematic drawings.
I am posting here because I assume those reading
the list will have knowledge of Ruby. In addition
to that, the applicant must have knowledge of
semiconductor device physics and be willing to
relocate to Lexington KY.
I suspect that learning Ruby is a lot easier than learning semiconductor
device physics
It's always good to have more Ruby jobs out there. We're hiring for one
now too - but it should be filled by tomorrow (we needed to fill the job
very quickly so I only advertised on our local Ruby user's group email list).