Interacting with other programs

Is it possible to make some kind of program hook in ruby, so I can have
the program in question send it's calls to my ruby script first, and
then have ruby forward them to the program?

If so, please throw me a link where I can read on the subject. Tried to
look into some win32API docs, but didn´t find what I was looking for.

Thanks in advance.


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You can also use #expect from the standard lib:

require 'expect'

IO.popen "your command", "r+" do |io|
  prompt_seen = false

  io.expect ">", 100 do |line|
    prompt_seen = true
    printf "Got prompt: %p\n", line

  puts "no prompt in time!" unless prompt_seen

  io.puts "exit" # for shells and other interactive programs

The code is untested but should get you going into the right direction.

Kind regards



2010/8/24 Jeppe Jakobsen <>:

Is it possible to make some kind of program hook in ruby, so I can have
the program in question send it's calls to my ruby script first, and
then have ruby forward them to the program?

If so, please throw me a link where I can read on the subject. Tried to
look into some win32API docs, but didn´t find what I was looking for.

remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end