I’m trying to make a new package that includes some C extensions, so I put
the .c file and extconf.rb file in the /ext subdirectory.
The directory layout looks like:
Now, if I do:
$ ruby install.rb config
$ ruby install.rb setup
ruby install.rb install
I would expect that at some point (probably at: ruby install.rb setup )
that the extconf.rb file would get run and a Makefile created, and then
make would be run to create the shared library… but I don’t see any of
that happen. and I never see either the Makefile or shared lib in the
/ext subdirectory (and I don’t see gcc get invoked).
Here’s the output:
$ ruby install.rb config
install.rb: entering config phase…
—> lib
<— lib
—> ext
<— ext
install.rb: config done.
$ ruby install.rb setup
install.rb: entering setup phase…
—> lib
<— lib
—> ext
<— ext
install.rb: setup done.
… so no extension was built…
What am I missing?