How to start Tidy on WinXP?

Using the sample script that came with the Tidy library, I get the
following error:

ruby tidy.rb

../tidy.rb:2: uninitialized constant Tidy (NameError)
  from c:/program
  from c:/program
  from tidy.rb:1

Exit code: 1

I just need tidy.dll, not tidy.exe, right? How do I reference tidy?

require 'tidy'
Tidy.path = 'C:/Progra~1/tidy/bin/tidy.dll'

html = gets
  xml =>true) do |tidy|
    tidy.options.output_xml = true
    puts tidy.options.show_warnings
    xml = tidy.clean(html)
    puts tidy.errors
    puts tidy.diagnostics
  puts xml

Your Tidy.path statement looks okay. I'm wondering whether this might
be a problem of having your script named 'tidy.rb' foxing the require



On 15/09/05, Dan Kohn <> wrote:

Using the sample script that came with the Tidy library, I get the
following error:

Matt Mower ::

That fixed it, thanks.