[Helppp xD] Newbie issue

Hi all!!

I've declared a method inside the string class that has to answer the
amount of "X" and "2" chars in a string. The string is ALWAYS gonna be
15 chars size. The code is the following:

class String

  def variantes
    @variantes = 0
    15.times do |@cont|
      if (self[@cont] == "2" || self[@cont] == "X")
        @variantes = @variantes + 1

    return @variantes

cadena = "XX222XX222XX1X2"
puts cadena.variantes

And the last line ALWAYS ANSWERS a CERO. Why? Why it doesn't enter the
if statement inside the method?



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Flaab Mrlinux wrote:

Hi all!!

I've declared a method inside the string class that has to answer the
amount of "X" and "2" chars in a string. The string is ALWAYS gonna be
15 chars size. The code is the following:

class String

  def variantes
    @variantes = 0
    15.times do |@cont|
      if (self[@cont] == "2" || self[@cont] == "X")
        @variantes = @variantes + 1

    return @variantes

cadena = "XX222XX222XX1X2"
puts cadena.variantes

And the last line ALWAYS ANSWERS a CERO. Why? Why it doesn't enter the
if statement inside the method?


String# returns the integer code of the character at that position.

So, either use
  if(self[@cont] == ?2 || self[@cont] == ?X)

  if(self[@cont..@cont] == "2" || self[@cont..@cont] == "X")


1. You shouldn't use instance variables when local ones will suffice.
I.e. use "variantes" and "cont" instead of "@variantes" and "@cont"

2. Please send code snippets with identifiers in English - it takes a
little guesswork out of what you're trying to achieve.

3. Smileys and netspeak are fluff and a little out of place for the
medium. Cut out the "xD" and use "Thanks" instead of Thx, please.

David Vallner

Check the manual

str[0] will return a numeric representation of the character
what You need is str[0,1] one character starting from the first

Try this:

class String
   def variantes
     @variantes = 0
     Range.new(0, 14).each { |i|
       if (self[i,1] == "2" || self[i,1] == "X")
         @variantes = @variantes + 1
     return @variantes

str = "XXXXX22222XXXXX"
puts str.variantes


Now that you got a couple answers why your comparisons didn't work,
time to suggest a better method.

class String
   def variantes
      count "2X"

Matthew Moss wrote:

Now that you got a couple answers why your comparisons didn't work,
time to suggest a better method.

class String
   def variantes
      count "2X"

Wow THANKS i´m amazed.... =D That's pretty better!

I'm newbie at ruby didn't know it had such a simple way to do this.

Thanks a lot


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Hi --


On Fri, 17 Nov 2006, David Vallner wrote:

3. Smileys and netspeak are fluff and a little out of place for the
medium. Cut out the "xD" and use "Thanks" instead of Thx, please.

Oh, I think we do OK despite the occasional smiley :slight_smile: Let's err on
the side of making people feel welcome unless they do something
clearly troll-like.

Thx --


                   David A. Black | dblack@rubypal.com
Author of "Ruby for Rails" [1] | Ruby/Rails training & consultancy [3]
DABlog (DAB's Weblog) [2] | Co-director, Ruby Central, Inc. [4]
[1] Ruby for Rails | [3] http://www.rubypowerandlight.com
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