Has dl/import change in 1.9?


I'm trying to run some pre-1.9 code along these lines:

require 'dl/import'

module C
  extend DL::Importable

However I'm getting an 'uninitialized constant DL::Importable

Is DL::Importable defined differently in 1.9 or am I being stupid? I'm
running the code on OS/X.

Many thanks.



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Is DL::Importable defined differently in 1.9 or am I being stupid? I'm
running the code on OS/X.

Yep it's changed. For me this meant I had to update my net/ssh gem to
the latest version, so looking at net/ssh's commits might yield some

Anybody can post something helpful in that regard?


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Quick update after poking around in the dl folder in ruby/lib.

DL::Importable is gone. Use DL::Importer instead.

You can't pass nil into methods, I had to use DL::TYPE_VOID (something
like that, can't remember exact syntax off top of my head).

I had to change a few things to CPtr, which I assume is new, to get them
to work.

In conclusion if you have any dl code written for Ruby 1.8 - update to
DL::Importer and you should be able to fix the rest using the error



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.