Hartford Ruby Group November meeting: 11/24

The November meeting is this Monday, 6-8 PM.

Flinn Mueller (http://www.actsasflinn.com/) will be talking about
rspec, and we'll hopefully hear stories from Voices that Matter

We'll raffle off The Professional Ruby Collection: Mongrel, Rails
Plugins, Rails Routing, Refactoring to REST, and Rubyisms CD

GeeZeo offices
750 Main St, Hartford
Suite 1314
(next to the CVS)

Also, remember that our December meeting will be 12/15, to avoid the holidays.

See you Monday,


twitter @danbernier


Thanks to everyone who came out last night. Even though Flinn's live
coding didn't work out quite as expected, we had a good time, and
learned a bit about Merb and rspec in the process. Thanks Flinn!

Congrats to Rohit's friend Robert, who won The Professional Ruby
Collection CDs. As always, thanks to GeeZeo, Addison-Wesley, and Sun
for a room, a raffle, and some pizza.

Remember: next month's meeting is two weeks early, on 12/15 instead of
12/29. We'll be having a round-table on agile methods, so come
prepared with questions and stories about pair programming,
iterations, unit testing, minimal documentation, YAGNI, TDD, BDD, and
the rest of it.

See you in just three weeks...
- Dan


On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 7:59 AM, Dan Bernier <danbernier@gmail.com> wrote:

The November meeting is this Monday, 6-8 PM.

Flinn Mueller (http://www.actsasflinn.com/\) will be talking about
rspec, and we'll hopefully hear stories from Voices that Matter

We'll raffle off The Professional Ruby Collection: Mongrel, Rails
Plugins, Rails Routing, Refactoring to REST, and Rubyisms CD

GeeZeo offices
750 Main St, Hartford
Suite 1314
(next to the CVS)

Also, remember that our December meeting will be 12/15, to avoid the holidays.

See you Monday,

twitter @danbernier

twitter @danbernier
