Hi, somebody knows how i can get Screen Resolution in Windows with Ruby ?
Anything stable please! And WinXp, Win98, Win95 compatible.
(.) CAMPANHA DA FITA ASCII ( http://arc.pasp.de/)
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Hi, somebody knows how i can get Screen Resolution in Windows with Ruby ?
Anything stable please! And WinXp, Win98, Win95 compatible.
(.) CAMPANHA DA FITA ASCII ( http://arc.pasp.de/)
/ \ Contra formatos proprietarios
You can use the WIN32OLE library (or similar) to call the
GetSystemMetrics() function:
On 12/26/06, Felipe Navas <felipenavas@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, somebody knows how i can get Screen Resolution in Windows with Ruby ?
Anything stable please! And WinXp, Win98, Win95 compatible.
Thanks Wilson!
require 'dl/import'
require 'dl/struct'
user32 = DL.dlopen("user32")
get_system_metrics = user32['GetSystemMetrics', 'ILI']
x, tmp = get_system_metrics.call(SM_CXSCREEN,0)
y, tmp = get_system_metrics.call(SM_CYSCREEN,0)
puts "#{x} x #{y}"
On 12/26/06, Wilson Bilkovich <wilsonb@gmail.com> wrote:
On 12/26/06, Felipe Navas <felipenavas@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, somebody knows how i can get Screen Resolution in Windows with Ruby ?
> Anything stable please! And WinXp, Win98, Win95 compatible.
>You can use the WIN32OLE library (or similar) to call the
GetSystemMetrics() function:
(.) CAMPANHA DA FITA ASCII ( http://arc.pasp.de/\)
/ \ Contra formatos proprietarios