Gem (update ?) problem

-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 20:37:52 +0900
Von: "Peter K." <>
Betreff: Re: gem (update ?) problem

Dear Axel,

the bottom line seems to be: MS VC 6.0 does not run under Windows Vista

Too bad, I have already invested too much time trying to get this

But other people seem to use Ruby with Vista, so there must be some
other way (other than using MS VC 6.0 ) ?

Best Peter

Posted via\.

Dear Peter,
Dear _why,

I couldn't install MS VC6.0 on Vista either.

Now, as you started this post by requesting a hpricot gem, and as _why
is offering a binary version for Windows, you can install a gem from there, using
the Ruby One-click version (\)
(on my system, I have 1.8.6-26 together with Vista Ultimate).
Open the gems package manager and type in the following:

gem install hpricot --source

(see here:\)

I ran the example script from hpricot (\) without
any problems.

It seems the Windows gems are actually not compiled under Windows, but cross-compiled
using mingw on BSD.

I found the following quote from 2006 ...

I mean that’s alot better than putting together a VM and trying to track down a decent free Microsoft >compiler. A couple weeks ago, I spent six hours on it and made no progress.

See here:

_why: are you still using Mingw on BSD for cross-compiling the software you are offering
for the Windows platforms ?

Best regards,



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