FXTable, how to switch off row header?

hi, subject says it all, i only want column headers. On a side note, I
tried setting this attr to 0

leadingCols [RW] Number of leading columns [Integer]

and it responds with

shutter.rb:302:in `fill_table': undefined method `leadingCols=' for
#<Fox::FXTable:0xb6fd5edc> (NoMethodError)

thanks for any help


ritchie@ipowerhouse.com wrote:

hi, subject says it all, i only want column headers. On a side note, I
tried setting this attr to 0

leadingCols [RW] Number of leading columns [Integer]

and it responds with

shutter.rb:302:in `fill_table': undefined method `leadingCols=' for
#<Fox::FXTable:0xb6fd5edc> (NoMethodError)

Well, leadingCols and leadingRows are no longer used in Fox 1.2, since they are replaced by the headers.

There was a question about that on the Fox Users list recently (9/29/04):

Jeroen suggested:


Use table->setColumnHeaderMode() to change the layout options of the
header (LAYOUT_FIX_HEIGHT in your case).

Then use table->setColumnHeaderHeight(0), which will fold it to zero height.

Of course analoguous holds for row headers.

thanks for the info