Hi all!
I recently had a problem with disappearing buttons.
I copied the program “shutter.rbw” coming with the Windows-Distribution
1.6.8 for using it as a basis for my program. Initially it worked quite
After a while I had the problem that some of the Buttons in the
FXShutter-Instance disappeared after certain operations.
The FXShutter was an instance Variable, the FXShutterItems as well.
The FXButtons however were “only” local variables.
After changing them to instance variables the problem vanished.
It seems as if they were swept away by the GC…
Is this a wanted behaviour?
Imho they don’t have to be instance variables since the FXShutterItems
(beeing instance variables) hold a reference to them and thus prevent them
from beeing reclaimed by the gc.
Might be a bug ?