This is a show of interest/community petition to IBM, requesting that IBM
develops a set of Ruby drivers for the DB2 database.
First up - this is a friendly petition. IBM/Grant Hutchison has been very
open to this idea and is interested in forming links to the Ruby community.
It would a great thing if this friendly and open approach was maintained by
the community in its relations to IBM.
***** quickstart - for those in a hurry
If you would like to request that IBM develop a set of "official" DB2
drivers for Ruby, send an email to with a subject line
of "Friendly community petition - IBM DB2 drivers for Ruby".
***** in the Perl world
In the Perl world, IBM developed and maintains the DB2 drivers for Perl. It
seems logical that they should also develop a set of DB2 drivers for Ruby.
***** Michael Neumann's valued previous work in this field
Whilst Michael Neumann has done an awesome job of developing a set of Ruby
drivers for DB2 , the project
status says
Status: works (but not enough testing) , and says:
Yet, only the following low-level CLI functions are available:
SQLAllocHandle, SQLFreeHandle,
SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect,
SQLPrepare, SQLNumResultCols,
SQLExecDirect, SQLExecute,
SQLRowCount, SQLFetch,
SQLEndTran, SQLGetDiagRec
SQLDataSources SQLColAttributes SQLFetchScroll
It would be a great thing if IBM was to build a set of drivers that are
expose the full functionality of DB2, and are subject to IBM's testing and
quality assurance processes, and had the "IBM official DB2 drivers" stamped
on them. IT managers and operations departments will get warm fuzzy
feelings from code that uses such drivers.
Building enterprise class applications using Ruby and Ruby on Rails requires
drivers that ideally are developed by the database developer (IBM in this
***** the Ruby contact at IBM
The Ruby community has been given permission to directly email email Grant H
utchison Technical Manager, Developer Initiatives - Cloudscape, DB2,
Informix. Here is Grant's email:
Please go ahead and use my name and email. I would be happy to hear more
about the request for IBM to get more engaged with the Ruby community and I
am the proper contact with IBM's DB2 team to field such requests. Please
suggest a common subject header so it is easy for me to handle the
potential volume. Based on the response I receive I will build a proposal
to get more involved.
Grant Hutchison
Technical Manager, Developer Initiatives - Cloudscape, DB2, Informix
IBM DB2 Information Management Software
***** so what do I need to do to express my support for IBM developing DB/2
drivers for Ruby?
Simple - send an email to Grant Hutchison with a subject
line of "Friendly community petition - IBM DB2 drivers for Ruby".
If you've got more to say to Grant then put your text in the message body.
Andrew Stuart