FAQ and: PM to Sascha D?rdelmann: Mission impossible


While trying to send a PM to Sascha D?rdelmann I got a quite strange
message from my mail host. I send this message to the list for two

  • It is the only means I have to inform Sascha about that problem.

  • The problem again raises the question of using how invalid mail
    addresses used on the list and in the newsgroup should be made up.
    It is no problem if a mail address contains some ‘NOSPAM’ or
    something like that which one can identify but it is not very
    funny if a mail address looks valid but isn’t.

    Perhaps the FAQ should contain a statement on invalid mail addresses?

    In the specific case I do not think that Sascha’s mail address is
    invalid. I rather suspect anti-spam measures that when installed
    without Sascha’s explicit writteen consent are prohibited by
    german laws and may be punished with up to five years in prison.

To Sascha (legal stuff):

Sollte der Provider tatsaechlich ohne dein Einverstaendnis einen
Spamfilter eingerichtet haben, der Mails derart abwimmelt, macht er
sich nach Paragraph 206 Absatz 2 Nummer 2 des Strafgesetzbuches
strafbar. Einem “Unternehmen zur Uebermittlung anvertraute
Sendungen zu unterdruecken” kann mit Freiheitsstrafen von bis zu
fuenf Jahren geahndet werden und ist damit beileibe kein
Kavaliersdelikt sondern eine ernste Straftat.

----- Forwarded message from MAILER-DAEMON@mail.gmx.net -----


From: MAILER-DAEMON@mail.gmx.net
Subject: failure notice
Date: 10 Mar 2004 22:10:02 -0000
Message-ID: 20040310221002.9162gmx1@mp013.gmx.net
To: jupp@gmx.de
Delivered-To: GMX delivery to jupp@gmx.de

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at mail.gmx.net.
I’m afraid I wasn’t able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I’ve given up. Sorry it didn’t work out.


— Below this line is a copy of the message.

Return-Path: jupp@gmx.de
Received: (qmail 8819 invoked by uid 65534); 10 Mar 2004 22:10:01 -0000
Received: from D6c09.d.pppool.de (EHLO localhost) (
by mail.gmx.net (mp013) with SMTP; 10 Mar 2004 23:10:01 +0100
X-Authenticated: #357441
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 22:41:30 +0000
From: Josef ‘Jupp’ SCHUGT jupp@gmx.de
To: Sascha D?rdelmann wsdng@onlinehome.de
Subject: Re: [ANN] Rubyx OS (Ruby oriented linux distro)
Message-ID: <20040309224130.GB1675@jupp%gmx.de>
References: 200403020023.36744.andrew@walrond.org 200403030832.30345.andrew@walrond.org 4045BFEE.6040504@hellooperator.net 200403031138.50309.andrew@walrond.org a39cf4fe.0403090231.14612f1f@posting.google.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
In-Reply-To: a39cf4fe.0403090231.14612f1f@posting.google.com
User-Agent: Mutt/
X-Message-Flag: Please upgrade to Thunderbird: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/thunderbird/
Organisation: Cologne Area Ruby Evangelization Project
X-Mailer: Mutt, http://www.mutt.org/
X-Editor: Nano, http://www.nano.org/
X-Accept-Language: af, de, en, eo, es, fr, it, lb, nl, yi
X-Spamfilter: popclient.rb
X-Location: EU, DE, Bonn (NAC: HKP0 RFL0)
X-GPG-Fingerprint: 5B0E D167 122F 8AB5 5B44 1426 AE1B FB07 6CC6 574F


Ich habe gerade einmal nachgesehen: Offenbar war der Umlaut in deinem=20
Namen schon vor dem News -> Mail Gateway kaputt. Ich vermute, dass=20
den Google zerhackst=FCckt hat :-<

Vielleicht solltest du besser news.individual.de verwenden. Da muss=20
man sich nur anmelden, kostet nix.

Josef ‘Jupp’ SCHUGT
E-Mail: .— …- .–. .–. .–.-. --. – -…- .-.-.- -… .
http://oss.erdfunkstelle.de/ruby/ - German comp.lang.ruby FAQ
http://rubyforge.org/users/jupp/ - Ruby projects at Rubyforge
=2E- .-.

In fact it is invalid, sorry for that.

Sitting behind firewalls most of the time I don’t use a standard
newsreader but the google interface. I’ll have to create a new account
to change the name. For now I just changed the associated email

Thanks for the additional information.



“Josef ‘Jupp’ SCHUGT” jupp@gmx.de wrote:

In the specific case I do not think that Sascha’s mail address is
invalid. I rather suspect anti-spam measures that when installed
without Sascha’s explicit writteen consent are prohibited by
german laws and may be punished with up to five years in prison.

wsdngtmp@onlinehome.de (Sascha D?rdelmann) wrote:

I’ll have to create a new account
to change the name.


I think I’ll need two valid mail accounts to handle the Spam issue:

  • One mailbox named xxxREMOVEMExxx@xxx.xx or similar.
  • On named xxxxxx@xxx.xx.

This is what people do, right?


It is much better to have two distinct email addresses on two different

Sascha Doerdelmann writes:


wsdngtmp@onlinehome.de (Sascha D?rdelmann) wrote:

I’ll have to create a new account
to change the name.


I think I’ll need two valid mail accounts to handle the Spam issue:

  • One mailbox named xxxREMOVEMExxx@xxx.xx or similar.
  • On named xxxxxx@xxx.xx.

This is what people do, right?


Seth Kurtzberg
MIS Corp.