Drb access control

drb experts-

any idea how to easily implement a scheme where by certain methods on a drb
object would require authentication and others would not?




Ara Howard
NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory
Information and Technology Services
Data Systems Group
R/FST 325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305-3328
Email: ahoward@fsl.noaa.gov
Phone: 303-497-7238
Fax: 303-497-7259

You could do something similar to insecure_method? and ACLs (#allow?)

Should be very simple, because everything flows through
#check_insecure_method (and #insecure_method?)


ahoward (ahoward@fsl.noaa.gov) wrote:

drb experts-

any idea how to easily implement a scheme where by certain methods on a drb
object would require authentication and others would not?

Eric Hodel - drbrain@segment7.net - http://segment7.net
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drb experts-
any idea how to easily implement a scheme where by certain methods on a d=
object would require authentication and others would not?

You could do something similar to insecure_method? and ACLs (#allow?)

the acl thing looks cool. i’ll check it out.



On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Eric Hodel wrote:

ahoward (ahoward@fsl.noaa.gov) wrote:

Should be very simple, because everything flows through
#check_insecure_method (and #insecure_method?)

Eric Hodel - drbrain@segment7.net - http://segment7.net
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Ara Howard
NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory
Information and Technology Services
Data Systems Group
R/FST 325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305-3328
Email: ahoward@fsl.noaa.gov
Phone: 303-497-7238
Fax: 303-497-7259