Curious thought --- what if I'd like to know the arity of the proc being
proc{|x| arity }.call(1)
I see no way to do this, not even with the extended Binding class. I begin to
wonder (for this and other reasons) if a closure's "self" is doable? (at
least I think _closure_ is the right "scope" for this)
Curious thought --- what if I'd like to know the arity of the proc being
proc{|x| arity }.call(1)
I see no way to do this, not even with the extended Binding class. I begin to
wonder (for this and other reasons) if a closure's "self" is doable? (at
least I think _closure_ is the right "scope" for this)
proc{|x| this.arity }.call(1)
Closures per se don't have selfs -- they're not objects. Consider
def frob &closure
[lambda &closure, lambda &closure]
It gives two Procs with the same closure, but different selves.
Here's an extremely ugly kludge:
class Proc
alias :real_call :call
def call *args
old_proc = $current_proc
$current_proc = self
real_call *args
$current_proc = old_proc
(lambda do |x|
puts $current_proc.arity
(lambda do |x, y|
puts $current_proc.arity
end).call nil, nil
puts $current_proc.arity
end).call nil
I see no way to do this, not even with the extended Binding class. I begin to
wonder (for this and other reasons) if a closure's "self" is doable? (at
least I think _closure_ is the right "scope" for this)
proc{|x| this.arity }.call(1)
i don't quite understand this - but i think 'self' must be Object, although you
could probably subclass Proc in a way that it used the 'with' trick or
something, in any case it seems you don't really need 'self' if you can name it
some other way.
maybe you could make a subclass that regeistered itself as a class var when
being called?
something like
harp:~ > cat b.rb
class CallBack < Proc
class << self
attr :this, true
def call(*a, &b)
self.class.this = self
self.class.this = nil
CallBack::new{|a| p CallBack::this.arity }.call(42) #=> 1
if you get my meaning?
On Wed, 13 Oct 2004, trans. (T. Onoma) wrote:
EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
When you do something, you should burn yourself completely, like a good
bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself. --Shunryu Suzuki
> Curious thought --- what if I'd like to know the arity of the proc being
> executed?
> proc{|x| arity }.call(1)
> I see no way to do this, not even with the extended Binding class. I begin to
> wonder (for this and other reasons) if a closure's "self" is doable? (at
> least I think _closure_ is the right "scope" for this)
> proc{|x| this.arity }.call(1)
Closures per se don't have selfs -- they're not objects. Consider
Ah, but they are Objects (as you make use of below). It's just
that the binding used when their body is called that of their creation,
not of themselves.
Here's an extremely ugly kludge:
> class Proc
> alias :real_call :call
> def call *args
> old_proc = $current_proc
> $current_proc = self
> real_call *args
> $current_proc = old_proc
> end
> end
> (lambda do |x|
> puts $current_proc.arity
> (lambda do |x, y|
> puts $current_proc.arity
> end).call nil, nil
> puts $current_proc.arity
> end).call nil
(It prints 1, 2, 1.)
We could make id somewhat nicer if we use the "set_local" defined a
few weeks back back on the list:
class Proc
alias :real_call :call
def call *args
real_call *args
or even something like
class Self_aware_proc << Proc
def initialize(&block)
or (IIRC):
class Self_aware_proc << Proc
def initialize(&block)
self["this_proc"] = self
-- Markus
On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 09:00, Mikael Brockman wrote:
Well, my example was maybe too simplistic. Procs can be passed around, so, no,
you don't always have a "handle" on them. Moreover, 'this' refers to the
block actually, not really the Proc.
It seems I got my scope wrong, though. But I'm not sure what this scope is
I should also point out that this idea further derives from speculation (over
on suby-ruby) about internalized counters for #each blocks (and maybe a last?
and first?) eg-
["a","b","c"].each { |x| p this.counter, x }
=> 0
but I want to focus on the block initself first --hence it's arity.
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 11:49 am, Robert Klemme wrote:
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 12:04 pm, wrote:
On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 09:00, Mikael Brockman wrote:
> "trans. (T. Onoma)" <> writes:
> > Curious thought --- what if I'd like to know the arity of the proc being
> > executed?
> >
> > proc{|x| arity }.call(1)
> >
> > I see no way to do this, not even with the extended Binding class. I begin to
> > wonder (for this and other reasons) if a closure's "self" is doable? (at
> > least I think _closure_ is the right "scope" for this)
> >
> > proc{|x| this.arity }.call(1)
> Closures per se don't have selfs -- they're not objects. Consider
Ah, but they are Objects (as you make use of below). It's just
that the binding used when their body is called that of their creation,
not of themselves.
Proc objects contain closures, but they *are* not closures.
Point taken. I'd like to respond but I don't think my knife is
sharp enough to split the hair any finer than that without cutting
myself. If I were socrates, I might be tempted to ask "BTW, what is
this "closure" that a Proc contains?" but I think I can see where that
-- Markus
On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 10:14, Mikael Brockman wrote:
Markus <> writes:
> On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 09:00, Mikael Brockman wrote:
> > "trans. (T. Onoma)" <> writes:
> >
> > > Curious thought --- what if I'd like to know the arity of the proc being
> > > executed?
> > >
> > > proc{|x| arity }.call(1)
> > >
> > > I see no way to do this, not even with the extended Binding class. I begin to
> > > wonder (for this and other reasons) if a closure's "self" is doable? (at
> > > least I think _closure_ is the right "scope" for this)
> > >
> > > proc{|x| this.arity }.call(1)
> >
> >
> > Closures per se don't have selfs -- they're not objects. Consider
> Ah, but they are Objects (as you make use of below). It's just
> that the binding used when their body is called that of their creation,
> not of themselves.
Proc objects contain closures, but they *are* not closures.