hey rick - really good stuff. i learned somethings smalltalk too. i'll keep this brief because i'm running out the door: i've had at least two publicly released stabs and making reasonable class variable semantics. this simples is attributes (gem install attributes) which gives you
class C
attribute('title'){ "the #{ name.upcase }" }
class D < C; end
p C.title #=> 'the C'
p D.title #=> 'the D'
in which declaring the attribute does not initialize it - rather the block is stored and later instance eval'd for a lazy initialization. this gives a kind of 'initialize' step that is useful in some situations but it's only on a per attribute basis and it lacks the notion of inheritance. for that i generally roll something custom like:
cfp:~ > cat a.rb
require 'attributes'
class C
class << self
(ancestors - [self]).each do |ancestor|
break unless self <= ancestor
ancestor.module_eval{ throw :value, @a if defined? @a }
default = 42
class D < C; end
class E < D; end
class F < E; end
p D.a
E.a = 42.0
p F.a
cfp:~ > ruby a.rb
which basically reads 'get your class variable from the first ancestor that has defined it'. i've called this 'inheritable_attribute' in some recent rails code but i'm not sure if it's a good name... i may add it to attributes but i've yet to decide if it's better to return '@a' or '@a.dup' - both have pros and cons...
i tackled this long ago with the traits lib too:
but it's way too heavyweight for many purposes...
it's worth noting that both approaches create a different kind of inheritance that @@vars - which is far too unrefined for many use cases.
On Oct 19, 2007, at 10:22 AM, Rick DeNatale wrote:
An interesting side note. In Smalltalk, the declaration of variables
doesn't initialize them. Conventionally, class variables are
initialized in a class method called initialize. I'm a bit rusty on
this but IIRC this is something which has to be done manually after
defining the method and before instantiating any instances of the
it is not enough to be compassionate. you must act.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama