Check if input string conforms with DB collation

What we have is a table with an email field - collation
*latin1_swedish_ci* because
of the limitations of our email service.



Field | Type | Collation | Null |


id | int(11) | NULL | NO |
email | text | latin1_swedish_ci | YES |
moved_to_users | tinyint(1) | NULL | YES |
created_at | datetime | NULL | YES |
updated_at | datetime | NULL | YES |


This table is checked when a new user arrives to see if he was already

Comes along a user with characters in their email that would not be valid
for this particular collation. Take for instance *hsı

select * from user_subscriptions where email='hsı';

ERROR 1267 (HY000): Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT)
and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='

Would it be possible to determine before saving if a string will adhere to
the collation rules of database?

I tried using transactions as mentioned in this SO answer
<mysql - Check if input string conforms with DB collation - Stack Overflow; but it does not work or maybe
I am not using it right.

I wrapped this in a begin rescue block as a validation method

def validate_collation_again
  email = params[:name].try(:strip)
  rescue Exception => e

Is it possible for me to check before any DB trigger to save/create/find;
if an entry with this particular email will agree with the collation? Some
regex maybe?
String#encode cannot be checked as the application is built using Ruby 1.8.7

This question is also on StackOverflow
<mysql - Check if input string conforms with DB collation - Stack Overflow;
and RoR Talk

Saurav Kothari

Seems like a regexp is your best option. Maybe something like this?

if query_arg =~ /^[\w\d`~!@#$%^&*()_=|}'";:?><.,{\\\[\]\s*+-]+$/
  # ... do query


On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 4:09 AM, Saurav Kothari <> wrote:

What we have is a table with an email field - collation
*latin1_swedish_ci* because of the limitations of our email service.

> Field | Type | Collation | Null |
> id | int(11) | NULL | NO |
> email | text | latin1_swedish_ci | YES |
> moved_to_users | tinyint(1) | NULL | YES |
> created_at | datetime | NULL | YES |
> updated_at | datetime | NULL | YES |

This table is checked when a new user arrives to see if he was already

Comes along a user with characters in their email that would not be valid
for this particular collation. Take for instance *hsı

> select * from user_subscriptions where email='hsı';
ERROR 1267 (HY000): Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT)
and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='

Would it be possible to determine before saving if a string will adhere
to the collation rules of database?

I tried using transactions as mentioned in this SO answer
<mysql - Check if input string conforms with DB collation - Stack Overflow; but it does not work or
maybe I am not using it right.

I wrapped this in a begin rescue block as a validation method

def validate_collation_again
  email = params[:name].try(:strip)
  rescue Exception => e

Is it possible for me to check before any DB trigger to save/create/find;
if an entry with this particular email will agree with the collation?
Some regex maybe?
String#encode cannot be checked as the application is built using Ruby

This question is also on StackOverflow
<mysql - Check if input string conforms with DB collation - Stack Overflow;
and RoR Talk

Saurav Kothari

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